Need some help


Active Member
Anyone had issues with Greybeard seeds? I’m new here and found this forum by searching for “experience with Greybeard Seeds”.

I’m feeling a little shaded right now from him. Any help please.


Active Member

Have your seeds not arrived? How long have you been waiting?

No seeds yet. The order was placed on the fourth he sent me an email saying payment didn’t get go through. I checked with my bank it’s still pending. When I log into my account it says canceled he has not Return any of my emails
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Well-Known Member

If he doesn't have your money move on to another seed bank.

What country are you in? What strains are you looking for?



Well-Known Member
Use the search function of the site, and search greybeard with the thread title box checked.
Tons of similar stories.


Well-Known Member

The only two good seedbanks that I've used are and Dr Greenthumb

Both great breeders but at different ends of the price spectrum, Dr Greenthumb is expensive but has a wide variety, Peak are ridiculously cheap but great quality.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. Any good recommendations of seed banks. I live in US
Probably a few threads on this, but here you go. JBC Seeds, Great Lakes Genetics, Headiegardens, dc seed exchange, CSI humboldt, ak bean brains, hazeman, heisenbeans (gps), seedsherenow. you can order direct from csi, ak bean brains, and hazeman.

good breeders (not already mentioned above): bodhi seeds, dominion seed co, useful, strayfox, karma, motarebel (green farms), etc.


Well-Known Member
I ordered from Greybeard 5/8/20
Says order received but now the website is down for maintenance since then