5 weeks in flowering, stressed and turning herm?


New Member
This is my first time growing. I have three plants of unknown strain and I have several questions regarding the status of the plants.

The basics: I am using a single 600 watt LED, three plants each in only 2g pots (I realize this is too small). Each plant is about 30" tall and producing lots of buds.

Problem 1: Three weeks ago the tops of the fan leaves and stems started turning red/purple but seemed healthy and thought it was the breed. Last week they started drying out and turning yellow. I flushed with water and made sure pH of water was around 6.

Problem 2 (the reason for my post): I started noticing what looks like single pollen sacs developing under the buds and at the nodes in some places. I circled them in red. Should I remove these? The other two plants are closer than this one, but this one was easier to photograph. Did these plants turn into herms? They don't look like the other photos of male pollen sacs and are covered with tricromes if I look at them with magnified glass. All three plants are getting them.

Any suggestions as to what to do would be great. I was hoping for a small harvest around the end of the month. iMarkup_20200509_085458.jpgiMarkup_20200509_085423.jpgIMG_20200509_084949138.jpg
thats all normal. dont ever "flush" , thats never good for any plant.
Fair enough, I will refrain in the future!
Looks like female bracts.. 2 antennas that are changing colors showing maturity.. looks normal.. I see them on my females in the joints of stem to branch... but here’s a guide that may can help you..
Thanks for that link and the explanation. Sounds like I am looking too far into things. When my friend said none of his had those I started to get concerned.
Those are just cylax or however you spell it. female parts.
When i say "flushing" im talking about dumping a couple gallons of strait water through the 1/2 gallon pot. Thats one of those ol hippy methods that have proven to mess things up even worse. water only is the only flush you need. (most do not need that) When you water two or 3 times in a row with straight water then that IS a flush.
Those are just cylax or however you spell it. female parts.
When i say "flushing" im talking about dumping a couple gallons of strait water through the 1/2 gallon pot. Thats one of those ol hippy methods that have proven to mess things up even worse. water only is the only flush you need. (most do not need that) When you water two or 3 times in a row with straight water then that IS a flush.
Cool. I doubt I messed em up too bad. I dumped less than a gallon in each 2 gallon pot. Then fertilized them two days later when they dried a bit out. The whole process is pretty fun and I am learning a ton.