~BLUE *Dream •WaterFARM•~

maybe I would do some major week of flushing her with tap water about 3 to four times. Just run that water through to knock all the crap off her roots . Cut down her nutes significantly for a few days . Do the big flush a few days with the light food. Then start to bump her nutes back up. I don’t known what that distorted color is unless I looked up the charts you can find online by typing marijuana leaf problem or something like that. Hopefully you use r/o water to help your situation. Good luck.
I think I have this narrowed down to calcium deficiency. Apparently that is common with RO water hydro and I have been running my ph at about 5.8. From what I read, she will take calcium better above 6.2. Every time I do a flush it seems to get worse. I'm adding sensi-cal and bumping my ph above 6.2 and see how she responds.
Looking good.
Is it me or do these seem to have a really unique bud to them? Really ball shaped. Was kinda questioning mine, but glad to see yours looks the same.
Yes very unique, one of a kind. It’s the unique looks that only the Blue Dream has.
She is looking great, I'm envious of how even your canopy is. I just placed an order from msnl (thanks for the tip) iv got a variety coming.
Thank you. It is very tricky getting the canopy even in this 2 by 4 tent. It’s much easier in a square tent. It’s weird how she ends up naturally becoming symmetrical because with her weight distributed evenly because I lost that major right side branch. She would be so much wider if I hadn’t been so clumsy and broke it off.
let me know when you get your seeds from MSNL. I am curious about their packaging. First time they sent my seeds they were all crushes in a birthday card. They replaced them packed in a wallet with hard covering the next time. I asked them to replace my freebie white shark seeds with OG Kush but they would not do it this time . I looked at that variety pack, nice selection!
Oh, forgot, was playing with the camera yesterday and got some cool picsView attachment 4559299
Wow that’s a nice one!
I think I have this narrowed down to calcium deficiency. Apparently that is common with RO water hydro and I have been running my ph at about 5.8. From what I read, she will take calcium better above 6.2. Every time I do a flush it seems to get worse. I'm adding sensi-cal and bumping my ph above 6.2 and see how she responds.
I use to add a cal mag supplement but haven’t needed to yet the last couple strains. Yeah that’s a good call , it’s prob the cal mag deficiency. Easy fix. I used Biotanicare cal mag . I’m trying to eliminate as much products as possible. I used to add 5 ml per gallon of H2O2 as well but got away from that as well instead now doing these super flushes of to kick off residual build up on the roots. If I had a hook up to do a garden hose sprayer to give a power wash to the pebbles and roots that would be Optimal. But this seems to work pretty good right now.
I miss the mountains so much. It just hit me really hard .
I have 2.5 months to find a new job in the mountains . I have my eyes looking out for Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, I want alpine mountains with distant views of miles of mountain peaks and lakes reflecting them.
View attachment 4560161
end of week 5 flower
View attachment 4560236

You're making me drool Doc!

And hey that sounds exactly like where I live....... : !)
You're making me drool Doc!

And hey that sounds exactly like where I live....... : !)
nothing like an alpine lake surrounded by mountains. I have seen some amazing ones in Washington and Oregon but not in those other states so I need to do that soon.

she really is staring to reek. I am going to have sooooo much weed soon it going to be crazy!

it was so fun today going out shopping again . I wore my N 95 mask and relaxed and had fun!
I bought some new shoes and a matching purse for my new interview outfit and it matches my Tent as well. Now all I need is a matching mask.635924BC-00C5-481C-BB7D-8E6E9AA2E6DB.jpeg
nothing like an alpine lake surrounded by mountains. I have seen some amazing ones in Washington and Oregon but not in those other states so I need to do that soon.

she really is staring to reek. I am going to have sooooo much weed soon it going to be crazy!

it was so fun today going out shopping again . I wore my N 95 mask and relaxed and had fun!
I bought some new shoes and a matching purse for my new interview outfit and it matches my Tent as well. Now all I need is a matching mask.View attachment 4560461
Who makes a snow camouflage tent?
Lol, those shoes are tiny!!! How do you keep from tipping over....lol
It’s an optical illusion. They are a size 9 . They are a brand called TOMS. I didn’t know how much they were when I bought them . When I got home and looked at the receipt they we’re only 40 bucks which shocked me. I thought they might have been like 80 bucks . I bought some Keens hiking sandals at the other shoe store before I bought those and dropped 100 bucks on the Keens. Total ripoff but I had been shopping deprived for 2
Months and didn’t give a shit what I was going to spend . I just wanted to buy some shit.

They look pretty sexy Doc......
Thanks, I never would have picked them out. My husband did. He is a really awesome shopper and helps me so much with style.
Glad you got out and had a good day. They look awesome, I was just giving you a little shit. Love keens, they are pricey but its all I wear for work boots

this is what I have left
Of my Northern lights.
Started with 13 oz now I’m down to maybe 5 oz so I have plenty of Empty Jars now for the Blue Dream.

I live in Oklahoma

Yes. I hate it. I would rather be smoking this
by this lake.

Thanks Amber. Appreciate that. My air pumps were wet this morning..... Went and bought a new one thats probably overkill. The tinfoil on top had touched the ring in a way that it dripped on the floor of the tent.

So made a few changes. Heres how they are looking today. Sorry for the light on. Day 11 of flower. They have been in a water farm for a monthView attachment 4562470
Wow that looks awesome!

I did a lot of trimming today, really opening up the canopy so that the light hits the lower buds and removed some light blocking fan leaves.

I got a huge welt on my hand where my glove moved away from my shirt.

When I checked her PPMs she had spiked up to 1000 so I drained some and topped with straight RO water and got her down to 550. I do have very slight burnt tips but nothing too concerning.

Very rewarding day with her today.
