Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Anarchy is not a revolutionary idea, it hasn’t failed or even recently been implemented. - Fundamentals of Voluntaryism
Anarchy is not a revolutionary idea, it hasn’t failed or even recently been implemented.
Yes he needs to use anal bleach as mouth wash . That will be his next big announcement at the last big Corona virus task force briefing . I think it’s an excellent idea, he should do it and not just swirl and rinse , go ahead and swallow too!
We've had leaders since the paleolithic and alpha monkeys before that, our societies, armies and groups are organized hieachicly for a reason, it's instinctive in behavior in humans. 100,000 years ago the chief laid down the law like a cop does today, fuck up too much and you were ostracised which was a death sentence, since humans can only survive in a social context, especially back then, life was a bitch.
A waste of a good piece of lumber. The guy carrying it is a waste of good oxygen. Shewt, ah cooda' used dat 4x4.This patriot
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But look closer lol
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Geezer’s got a degree in wood turning.This patriot
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But look closer lol
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We've had leaders since the paleolithic and alpha monkeys before that, our societies, armies and groups are organized hieachicly for a reason, it's instinctive in behavior in humans. 100,000 years ago the chief laid down the law like a cop does today, fuck up too much and you were ostracised which was a death sentence, since humans can only survive in a social context, especially back then, life was a bitch.
Anarchy is libertarianism by another name and is a completely unworkable form of government or society, anarchy means chaos and you have that with Trump already, how's that working out for you? Any enemy could easily defeat such a state, even from within, dictatorship or democracy would be the end result, most likely dictatorship though since we are naturally hierarchical. Successful societies organise themselves so as to take advantage of the positive aspects of human nature and minimise its negative antisocial side, those who are organised contrary to human nature like communism in Russia, fail.
Or maybe you've just got "issues" with authority figures, it's quite common among antisocial types and misanthropes. Your feelings of aversion to authority might be causing your intellect to be controlled by your emotions and you're just rationalising a subconscious sense of avoidance. We first have the feeling then we rationalize around that. Feelings of attraction and avoidance and then more complex emotions evolved first in animals, intelligence came later and was layered on top of that. Just like you rationalize your sexual desires and seek to defend the morally and ethically indefensible. Thoughts and emotions are wound together like strands of a rope, one re enforcing the other and both motivated by deeper intentions based on feelings that are felt in the body. That's the short version and much of the process is hidden from conscious view unless one trains.No offense, but this is a really misleading post with some inaccurate statements and a few accurate statements poorly attached to inaccurate examples.
Yes, there were paleolithic "leaders" and alpha monkeys. They used to burn witches too and force people of the wrong race to serve others against their will. Paleolithic leaders and alpha monkeys hold sway, usually thru applications of force. Bad monkey!
Modeling a modern human society on how cavemen did it and monkeys do it, is, uh "not very progressive". Just because something may have been done a certain way doesn't provide evidence that when another more humane way is "discovered", the old way should be continued and the "new way" rejected. Unless of course you're into burning witches, "because that's they way we've always done it".
Anarchy means without a ruler. It does not mean chaos, unless you accept the redefinition of the word, which came about for nefarious reasons, probably by people who wanted to rule others. My definition is etymologically speaking, accurate.
The word leader is not synonymous with ruler. Using the words interchangeably is a common mistake. A leader has followers, presumably of their own volition. Voluntary. A ruler has subjects, subjects don't get a choice. Involuntary.
Anarchy, doesn't prevent individuals from having leaders, it does, by definition preclude rulers.
Anarchy doesn't prevent people from having rules, it does, by definition preclude rulers.
Anarchy isn't unworkable on a societal level, to say so, is to say that "rulers" (the opposite of anarchy) are a workable circumstance and subjugation is desirable and workable. Anarchy is freedom. Things which include rulers, are not.
I could refute your other misconceptions too, but feel that your present low comprehension would necessitate me having to dismantle your other default erroneous assumptions first. That could be tedious.
In other words, your platitudes do not always make good arguments and we would need to "reeducate you" into a basic grasp of the meanings of words and concepts you presently misuse before we proceed. Perhaps, in another thread, we will pursue this one day.