Beneficial Bacteria or Enzymes for healthy roots ?


Hey Now !!

I have brown shit on my roots. No smell no slime. Just brown gunk and it shows on the leaves that it`s suffering. I`ve been reading and i`ve kept my temps below 21C. I`ve tried Sensizyme with Voodoo juice and it`s keeps coming back stronger then ever.
Now I just bought Hydrozyme. Hydro store sold me on trying this.

Setup Nuts
ph 7.4
ppm 340 in 15 Liters of tap water .. ph out of the tap 7.3 & ppm 90-100
Advance Nutrients 3 part base
Voodoo juice
water temp 18-21

Any input would be greatly appreciated


I`m looking into getting somekind of micorrhizae or benefical bacteria. Mr Hesenberg from this forum made a tea and looks like it work miracles so that`s my next step unless I hear something constructive here.


Well-Known Member
pool shock. (calcium hypochlorite). will kill all the bacteria, good and bad. and safe for plants and humans at correct dosage


pool shock. (calcium hypochlorite). will kill all the bacteria, good and bad. and safe for plants and humans at correct dosage
So your suggesting this over beneficial bacteria? seems a bit drastic .. Would you continue with voodoo juice after pool shock ?

Before doing a res change i`ve disinfected everything with same stuff they disinfect homemade wine kits brewing. This brown gunk problem keeps coming back. even if I buy RO water etc..


Active Member
you probably have drown algae Australian tap water suck.
has it only just recently been happened.
i had about 4 clones taken out last week from it.
i was told to try the same stuff (pool shock) so if you decide on running it post back how it went for you