Confused after taking acid

Hello guys yesterday when I took acid it feelt my ego dissolving blah blah blah and entering kind of an alien dimesnsion and feelt just like an alien and the experience was making very much sense then I went to park and a world of wondered appeared I was feeling like I was a child again also I was emanating an white vibrant angelic aura and people could actually sense it, so vibrant and the auras of other people it was like a colourful painting and the thing with lsd is that everything makes perfect sens and the after effects lasted pretty long after 12 hours like an afterglow.But now that is over I feel a little cooked haha:)))and I was wondering could the most of these realisation under psychedelics be false like it produce an extra using of some glands and that s why u have those "kinda divine moments" because it feelt more like a new age stuff and more an illusion that I was getting wise.Albert Hoffman said if u looked at the experience of the saints and lsd u can t find any difference.I mean Buddha talked about making love and peace but it wasn t like that it was more pure than like "Thimothy Leary" talked about.I wanna her urbopinions thanks
Its normal to be kind of shellshocked after a decent LSD trip. Your brain has to assimilate so much new stuff from the connections made and thoughts / feelings experienced during the trip. Now you need a few months before your next LSD trip to let your brain recover. You will find over time that the feeling of tripping, while wonderful and educational, is the same basic feeling every time that you take it and that eventually it gets a little boring!
Its normal to be kind of shellshocked after a decent LSD trip. Your brain has to assimilate so much new stuff from the connections made and thoughts / feelings experienced during the trip. Now you need a few months before your next LSD trip to let your brain recover. You will find over time that the feeling of tripping, while wonderful and educational, is the same basic feeling every time that you take it and that eventually it gets a little boring!
Now I feel like I don t need to take lsd in my life ever, like this experience was all I needed but who knows how I will change my mind...
Yes ald52 and tons of chemicals are good if you source properly. but these europe tabs can have anything from nbome to dox and etc etc can get dark and dangerous and lead you away from the light. But ill agree with your points on some chemicals.
I believe it was “real”. LSD just helps access the part of us that can sense or see these things. My time on lsd when I was a whippet snapper definitely changed me and the way I look at the world. Totally different person after those years for sure. Kind of an awakening
The dragons and melting walls I saw sure as hell weren't real, lol.
Maybe they were lol
Well that dragon turned back into a tree after a bit, lol. It was really cool for a few minutes and then I looked at something else and kinda lost my dragon. I remember trying to see it again, but it was never as vivid. It's amazing how our brains can fool us.

The melting walls were actually from shrooms.
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I was always afraid to take acid, I've done mushrooms, sitting on a desolate beach with a few trusted friends and an awesome campfire, but I guess I'm just terrified of the bad trip with lsd. I've heard people can have positive experiences with micro dosing and I'd consider that but I wouldn't even know how to get with the people who would be able to make that happen and even then I'd be afraid it was some bullshit research chemical ..... I'm sure everyone is afraid of the first trip yeah?
I was always afraid to take acid, I've done mushrooms, sitting on a desolate beach with a few trusted friends and an awesome campfire, but I guess I'm just terrified of the bad trip with lsd. I've heard people can have positive experiences with micro dosing and I'd consider that but I wouldn't even know how to get with the people who would be able to make that happen and even then I'd be afraid it was some bullshit research chemical ..... I'm sure everyone is afraid of the first trip yeah?
Last time I ve done mushrooms it turned a little bad but in the end it was ok, for me acid is a little more intense than shrooms but that s because is more clearer and even though it s easy to handle it for me, anyway it s a beautiful experience, take it in a nice and lovely spot, I started with 150ug first time and for the first time it was pretty intense
I was always afraid to take acid, I've done mushrooms, sitting on a desolate beach with a few trusted friends and an awesome campfire, but I guess I'm just terrified of the bad trip with lsd. I've heard people can have positive experiences with micro dosing and I'd consider that but I wouldn't even know how to get with the people who would be able to make that happen and even then I'd be afraid it was some bullshit research chemical ..... I'm sure everyone is afraid of the first trip yeah?
If you think you might have a bad trip I wouldn't suggest it. You need to be in the right frame of mind when you take shit like that. "No Worries, Be Happy".