Aussie Growers Thread

LVTK is all trimmed up, just getting the humidity down a tad more. (been in the high 60s and low 70s in the shed)
Eyeballing about 10 ozzies so not a great yield, downside of the TK.

Ill have to let you know in a couple days because theres too many different smells in the room atm hard to tell whats what.. but from memory was really skunky once a nug is cracked
Mine has a unique skunky, nearly gag worthy smell to it. Its a decent smoke. I recon ull be happy. Did u take some cuts or going to run something different next run?
LVTK is all trimmed up, just getting the humidity down a tad more. (been in the high 60s and low 70s in the shed)
Eyeballing about 10 ozzies so not a great yield, downside of the TK.

Mine has a unique skunky, nearly gag worthy smell to it. Its a decent smoke. I recon ull be happy. Did u take some cuts or going to run something different next run?
Yeah this one is from clone ive already grown it out once this one hits you hard in the head straight after smoking then settles down. I remember taking a nug of it to my mates house last time i had some and when i grinded it up it just stunk the whole house out with this one lil nug i must be used to the smell in my house :lol: :lol: :lol: and yeah shell be in upcoming run aswell
a couple glases of red after a couple of glasses of white is not the best idia ive had on a tuesday evening, i think i better have a cone and switch to beers or im gunna be messy

on the Grey Goose here.
Gotta love being Aussie. There’s a world wide pandemic, chaos, country and boarder lockdowns etc..what’s one of the first things we think of n do? Deem the bottleO an essential. (:
Do ya do the whole swirl the glass before each drink thing?
Maybe a little before the first sip. But i do that with rye whiskys and bourbons. Ill often have a good wiff of a new beer, But im more interested in the $ vs enjoyment than the whole its got cinamin or stagg cum or whatever.. Im a cheap drunk. Quality but the lower end..