LSD auto question


these are LSD autos from barneys farm

Is this a result of too much water? Or what?

What can be done?



Well-Known Member
Fastbuds are usually hearty autos but something has happened...overwatered and/or hot soil/ph issue.


Fastbuds are usually hearty autos but something has happened...overwatered and/or hot soil/ph issue.
Something bad... Doesnt look good
Yes, they went through a bad storm and it has been hot recently so nothing has went right for the three of them, I tossed this one because it kept looking worse and worse and showed no sign of growth and the other one stated damping off. I have one auto left though in a 5 gal bucket that seems like it may survive but not sure yet


Active Member
im growing lsd auto from barneys as well (im allmost ready to harvest) all i can say is that they are now very resilient plants, very easy to overwater and they get nute burns very easily, very good for disguise grow imo, they are in 7th week in flower and smell isn't pungent. very beautiful buds.