LOL assumptions, assumptions. El Barto... I acually chose NOT to have these in the Breeder's packs for stealth reasons and so they do NOT get crushed.
OK, basically this is nothing special... this is just a way to cut corners on price, not quality, or stealth or anything else. Some of you are paying too much, or more than what you have to. My objective... the lowest prices possible, and RELIABILITY - meaning more stealth, cheaper shipping, and NO crushed seeds. Basically, the best of everything!
I personally don't need breeder's packs as long as I trust my supplier, and they don't fuck up. But who knows! It's hard to trust any of these motherfuckers these days.
I've only created this thread to share exactly how I did things, and the end results. For that reason... why jump the gun? Most ppl would want the complete story, and not some half-ass BS that still leaves questions in the end.