Outdoor grow in az


Active Member
Hello all I ran into some issues please.help
.. soo my plant almost 2 months from seed outdoor grow in az. My plants were thriving growing like crazy until one day I was told to trim all huge fan leaves. My plant seemed to stop growing it starting to preflower I think cause I started them to early were barely hit 13.5 hours sunlight. Plant showed sex about 2 weeks ago and now starting to flower
Plant looks healthy still just stopped growing will fan leaves grow back will my plant convert to re veg plant dont flower until September please help what do I do should I just flower it .
There's still tons of time
If you're growing outdoors I think your best bet is to let it be, and maybe even start a new batch. I'm no expert in outdoors so someone else might say different.


Well-Known Member
They will go back into veg as the days get longer. I would leave most the fan leaves alone. I do like to clan up the bottom of the plants though.


Active Member
How long does it usually take to re veg because it seem like my outdoor plant keeps flowering I'm in az and there is 14 hrs sunlight


Active Member
hey no worries I made the mistake of leaving my plants outdoors for a bit too long. They too started to flower started to form some mini buds. Luckily I have supplemental lights so I just threw them in the closet at the end of the day with extra hours of light (18/6). They flowered for about two weeks and now are in the process of reveg I’m see all the weird leaves they form when going threw this process. But if you don’t have supplemental lighting the reveg process will take longer to kick in as the days get longer. The one thing I can say is they grow like beast after revegging.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to throw some kind of light over these for a few hours before daylight? Or after sunset but fewer people would notice in early morning.


Well-Known Member
Buy a cheap outdoor garden light. Maybe buy a few and put them around the plant. The little solar powered cheapos that turn on in the dark should work great to help reveg.


Active Member
I had a question so I planted my outdoor plant in az to early on March 15 when there was only 12 hrs sunlight 2 months in my plant started preflowering how do i know if it's an auto flower or if it flowering due to not enough sun light .. I kinda want to see if I can re veg it its may 21 now and we are at 14.5 hrs sunlight now how will I know if it back in re veg and how long will it take. Also I'ts in soil and am using 3 part hydro flora nutes micro, grow, and bloom do I continue feeding as flowering stage or should I go back to feeding veg phase.please help


Active Member
The light I’m using I got on amazon for $50 it’s says it a “600w led grow light” but we all know that’s not true haha. But can’t complain it provided the extra hours of light it required for veg. And it even helped in reverting them back to veg when they accidentally flowered.

