Mars Hydro Giveaway for May is coming, Are you ready?

Extremely interested! I have 9 manifolds going and I'm shopping for a flower light as we speak! I was leaning towards HID but if I win this I will buy a second to make it a pair!

Also interested in coupons and discount codes too!
@KingQuazy got any pics? I'm working my first nebula manifold, and I'm loving it.
Yes and no lol I am documenting it all pretty good with the dslr but it's such a pain editing and weeding out the crappy shots lol I have a grow journal being prepared though. I lost a few weeks worth of logging each plant's individual situations like I had hoped. But I do have a ton of pics and the garden itself is gonna def be worth a nice journal.

I just took a few pics with the cell phone for you. Gimme a min they haven't came through to email yet.
Can Canadians sign up?
First grow: We've got a 50W Innova led fixture and 4 23W daylight cfls feeding 3 Cheese auto seedlings. A MarsHydro would be a dream.
Also, apparently I can't be trusted with a Like button yet so..
yea you gotta wait a little and get likes too
How are all my people doing these days
Lost my fattest top to gray mold today. Deep sadness. Everything else was clean but probably going to chop earlier than I wanted because expansion and upgrades including new A/C was waiting on these to finish. Damn COVID delayed shipping on the dehumidifier that would have saved it by almost 3 weeks so didn't show up until a couple of weeks after it was really needed. How you doin?