World of Warcraft Growers


Well-Known Member
Any fellow growers out there who are into world of warcraft?
This thread might seem sad to some people but i love it...not as much as i love my plants but its up there


Well-Known Member
lvl 70 t3 lock for sale.
four lvl 29 twinks, including a beefy rogue on the account.
just saying.


Active Member
wow is like craq!!! i play, well on a 3 week break, was on vacation, and my hard drive died, so waiting for new one! but yea its a great game, waiting for WoTLK to come out might just break untill then and do some work on sites



Well-Known Member
lvl 70 t3 lock for sale.
four lvl 29 twinks, including a beefy rogue on the account.
just saying.
Haha the last thing i expected to see on here is someone trying to sell a char. You should log back on mate many things have changed


Active Member
hmm thought i posted here, dont look like it work! yes i play, yes its like crack! ive been on a 3 week forced break due to vacation and hard drive croaking out, but look forward to playing in the new expansion


Well-Known Member
oh i play a 70 pally and have a slew of other toons
My main is a 70 pala to and a 70 sham as my 2nd. The game as been changed loads since the big update about a week and half ago. Its all ready for the expansion. All your moves have already changed, new places have appeared, new achievements theme, pvp as never been so should log on as soon as you get the chance and get your fix


Well-Known Member
Lich King is out today, people have waited outside for the shops to open for this...sod that i just preordered it online. Currently been in a 30min queue to even log on this game!