Biggest idiot in the pot haters world


Well-Known Member
He must be a total fool as his trucks license No. is exposed.
A simple trace will bring him untold hasslebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
He must be a total fool as his trucks license No. is exposed.
A simple trace will bring him untold hasslebongsmilie

who needs a plate when they give the street address? i've driven by there 3 times now. along with the rest of the county. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so he went and knocked on all the neighbors doors and said "I'm growing pot"? who exactly did he tell? he didn't tell, he was found out by his own negligence.


Well-Known Member
ok so its still high on the rules list, top 5 anyway.

not here. :mrgreen: i go to the club and buy clones. ooopppps, i just told someone. i got to the hydro store and buy a ballast. oppps, just told someone. i went to Home Depot one night to buy a T for my hood exhaust. it was rather expensive. as dude at the counter was ringing it up he was explaining to me how he did his. told me to just use this then cut it and tape it like this and that. it was hella funny. all i did was set the T on the counter and he knew what was up. maye i stunk. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
not here. :mrgreen: i go to the club and buy clones. ooopppps, i just told someone. i got to the hydro store and buy a ballast. oppps, just told someone. i went to Home Depot one night to buy a T for my hood exhaust. it was rather expensive. as dude at the counter was ringing it up he was explaining to me how he did his. told me to just use this then cut it and tape it like this and that. it was hella funny. all i did was set the T on the counter and he knew what was up. maye i stunk. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

u prob stink ........ :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The thing that sucks about this being pointed out in the media is that likely someone will retaliate with violence against the sign poster.... which will only serve as ammunition for those against mj to get something on the ballot to revoke the medical marijuana laws on the CA books.

The only way this shit will stop is if mj becomes legal in all states for all adults. There would be no need to invade someone's home to steal mj when they can grow their own or go to a licensed store and buy it. Think about it... you don't hear about people breaking into homes to steal a batch of home brew beer.... why... because they can buy beer at the store or legally brew their own.

The one thing I do agree with those opposed to it is the smell. Now I happen to LOVE the smell of mj... but I can understand that there are those that don't and I can understand how they wouldn't want their neighborhood permeated with the odor. We who are used to the smell may not be as sensative to the odor as those who are not. There has to be compromise. If mj were legal I wouldn't be opposed to restrictions about the odor..... perhaps outdoor growers in residential neighborhoods could be required to grow in greenhouses with carbon filters to minimize the odor. Please don't throw rocks at me for this opinion.... I just think all parties in the debate would be best served if there is give and take on the issue. ;)


New Member
what if you dont like the smell of lawn grass and the fact that it is not a sustainable practice to use all of that water to keep it green blalbalba. that guy deserves anything that happens to him for that shit no one is going to make cannabis legal.


Well-Known Member
The thing that sucks about this being pointed out in the media is that likely someone will retaliate with violence against the sign poster.... which will only serve as ammunition for those against mj to get something on the ballot to revoke the medical marijuana laws on the CA books.

The only way this shit will stop is if mj becomes legal in all states for all adults. There would be no need to invade someone's home to steal mj when they can grow their own or go to a licensed store and buy it. Think about it... you don't hear about people breaking into homes to steal a batch of home brew beer.... why... because they can buy beer at the store or legally brew their own.

The one thing I do agree with those opposed to it is the smell. Now I happen to LOVE the smell of mj... but I can understand that there are those that don't and I can understand how they wouldn't want their neighborhood permeated with the odor. We who are used to the smell may not be as sensative to the odor as those who are not. There has to be compromise. If mj were legal I wouldn't be opposed to restrictions about the odor..... perhaps outdoor growers in residential neighborhoods could be required to grow in greenhouses with carbon filters to minimize the odor. Please don't throw rocks at me for this opinion.... I just think all parties in the debate would be best served if there is give and take on the issue. ;)

some counties have banned outdoor growing because of this problem.

when no one home invades him and no one retaliates against the sign guy will people show us a little more respect? doubt it. :cry: