
How many seeds and what did they cost?
I got a 10 pack of “Polynesian” Thin Mints. It’s the 2013 cannacup winning cut x Faceoff OG.
Date on the back says June 2017.
It was $156.
The guy who sold em to me said that they usually retail a little higher, like $200-$240.

They had some other awesome beans I want to eventually try out..

I did actually get some bud from the dispensary that was grown from the same seeds (love this local shit) and man.. some thin mints gas for sure.

I also picked up a pack of seeds (Power Pineapple) from Solsgreen in Bandon, OR over the weekend for $18. Gonna grow those outside but super stoked.
Is there safe way to ship a clone? Lol maybe a stupid question but if one of has any ideas or suggestions I will send my man, in the vertical section of the forum asking for a clone, a decent clone lol I am serious. I recently rooted 11 and have many more cuttings to take. All strains are of good quality that I grew from seed that came from a reputable seed bank. Lol