Indoor grow With Outdoor Results...


Well-Known Member
ok here's what im thinking. I want to grow 2 plants as big as possible, using topping ,super cropping and scrog. my grow space is 6'x6'x6' approximatly.what is the best setup for this as far as vegging lighting etc.And is it poosible to get a pound or more from 2 plants?:mrgreen:
Thank you in advance for posting....All help and pics are welcomed.


Well-Known Member
for max results in 6x6... I would use 4x 600 HPS in cool tubes with batwings... 4x 1000 HPS if you can manage the heat...

my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
Just to give you proportions...

Here is my new homemade tent with a cool tubed 600 watt HPS... it's 36"x20"60"... 19,000 lumens per square foot... not bad eh?!?

10" from the plants I have no problem holding 75F...

Best of Luck...



Well-Known Member
for max results in 6x6... I would use 4x 600 HPS in cool tubes with batwings... 4x 1000 HPS if you can manage the heat...

my 2 cents...

Are you fucking serious?? Would that not be like growing ON THE SUN.

Your talking like 280,000 lumens in a 6x6 room


Well-Known Member
Just to give you proportions...

Here is my new homemade tent with a cool tubed 600 watt HPS... it's 36"x20"60"... 19,000 lumens per square foot... not bad eh?!?

10" from the plants I have no problem holding 75F...

Best of Luck...

dude..i have fingerprints on my computer screen and its your fault.I thought i had bugs.:cry::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Nice setup you have there bro!......... but that little fucking bug had me freaked out

I get that a lot... it comes and goes...hahaha...

If you can catch one, feel free to keep ...

Are you fucking serious?? Would that not be like growing ON THE SUN.

Your talking like 280,000 lumens in a 6x6 room
That is funny coming from a guy called

Well, I have 95,000 lumens in an area that is 36" x 20" or 5 sq/ft...

That is about 19,000 lumens per square foot....

6 x 6 = 36 sq/ft, and with 280,000 lumens is about 7,800 per square foot...

So I am getting twice the light, at 10" from the tops of my plants... and I can control the temp anywhere from 65F to 95F....

and the results... well they are stupefying on the vegg cycle... I can't wait to flower this tent...

dude..i have fingerprints on my computer screen and its your fault.I thought i had bugs.:cry::mrgreen:
Hahaha ... sorry...

are you gonna do it again??:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
theres only one way to get outdoor results and that is to grow outdoors lol
100% agreed, but I think we all know what he meant...

He wants good results... he just worded it in a way that could bring an answer such as that...

I am sure that is not the answer he is looking for...



Well-Known Member
ok you know what i am working with as far as grow area.Now the grow equipment 1000w hps , 450cfm can fan with carbon scrubber , a couple rotating fans ,dehumidifier , temps never higher than 78'F , humidity steady at 50% .When i turn the lights out it goes down to 65'F. currently growing northern lights special from k.c. brains. 6 plants, 3 weeks into flower and , 8 clones first week under 12/12. Just wanted to keep it two plants for future grows.would it be worthwhile?? thats all i wanted to know.


Well-Known Member
currently growing northern lights special from k.c. brains. 6 plants, 3 weeks into flower and , 8 clones first week under 12/12. Just wanted to keep it two plants for future grows.would it be worthwhile?? thats all i wanted to know.
you lost me there bro...

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
A 6x6x6 is too small for 4-600w. The heat is too much! 2-600w with side lighting is good. Listen to 420swed you cant get outdoor results indoors. For max results indoors you have to go hydro too!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You have a good set-up! If you go Hydro and keep a 2 month cycle going its well worth it! Hydro averages about 3-6 ozs dried depending on strain! Bubba Kush only gives you 2 1/2 ozs hydro. 1 1/2 soil. So pick a heavy yeilder! Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
A 6x6x6 is too small for 4-600w. The heat is too much!
... and what do you say to my 36"x20"60" tent with a 600 watt HPS @10" from the tops... without any issues, least of all, heat...

I can control the temp inside of my tent, plus or minus 4F, between 65F and 100F.... I set it and it stays...

Hit me back... :blsmoke: