idea from Green channel


Well-Known Member
if any of u watch living with ED this guy has solar panels all on top his house in L.A somewhere and he pretty much gets free electric...

so i was think what about makin a grow room like in your back yard one day if i get the house.....

and setup a few solar panels on roof and use that electric just for grow room u gonnna be using thousands of watts and the great things about it would be......

dont have to pay a bill for electric for that and dont have to worry about the electric company watching your wattage.......

of course its not cheap to start but!!! it will be in the long run just a thought an thats my goal when i buy a house one day and have some money im only 22 so maybe 12 or 15 years haha i will be back about this


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about that too but there is no way I can front the 15-20K in setup and installation cost.


Well-Known Member

plug in and go. If you are trying to save money, you won't for upwards of 10 years.

(take 25% off the rating of the panel for real world numbers)


Well-Known Member
well if u plan on living in that place for your life and plan on smokin and growin i think its worth it haha