
Ive spent hours and hours looking with a microscope and found nothing ive looked that much i think my eyeball is now 100 x magnification lol ive got some cedar spray but a bit scared to use it the plants look healthy


Well-Known Member
If you’re worried (I know nothing about cedar spray) but neem seems to work pretty well for me.
Throw up some traps and in a day or two you’ll know for sure if it’s bugs.
In moving my plants I have definitely ripped leaves, could it be from that?
If you’re worried (I know nothing about cedar spray) but neem seems to work pretty well for me.
Throw up some traps and in a day or two you’ll know for sure if it’s bugs.
In moving my plants I have definitely ripped leaves, could it be from that?
Where abouts should i place the bug traps


Well-Known Member
Where abouts should i place the bug traps
I’d place em in a few different spots. Base of the plant, top of the canopy, and maybe up in the corner of your grow space to draw em away a little bit?

If it’s just a couple little spots you could Be worrying about nothing. I know it’s hard not to baby them, especially on your first grows, but I’ve found a lot of good comes from not!
Ive just spent another hour and half looking with a microscope and i cant find nothing that moves or resembles a bug i will put the bug traps up anyway when they arrive just to be sure thanks for your help mate appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Ive just spent another hour and half looking with a microscope and i cant find nothing that moves or resembles a bug i will put the bug traps up anyway when they arrive just to be sure thanks for your help mate appreciate it
I’d throw em up but looking at the pictures again I think you’re fine man. Your plants look otherwise really healthy so
I’d throw em up but looking at the pictures again I think you’re fine man. Your plants look otherwise really healthy so
Its my first grow so just trying to get everything right and learn for future grows so i haven't gotta bug(excuse the pun) everyone on here lol


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you this...... The right side of the leaves show damage in the pics, so is the fan to the right blowing to the left? Also the third pic i can see some clawing, that can be another sign of wind damage.