wow, some people shouldnt be allowed to vote

wow, some people shouldnt be allowed to vote

Yes there are uneducated people all over the Country.... you have to take that clip with a grain of salt as I'm sure they interviewed a lot of people.... and I'm willing to bet more then a few caught the mistakes and corrected the interviewer.... but those were not played as they wouldn't be "shock radio" entertaining.

I think I hate the media more then I do the uneducated citizens. All the media does is try to pit people against each other with cheap stunts like this.

Politics are not easy to understand and unfortunately most poor and/or uneducated folks are so busy working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet that they don't have the time to get out on the internet and do some research.... so they do the best they can based on what they know. I think the majority of these folks usually stay home on election day.... but this year since Bush & his cronies have fucked the Country beyond belief over the last 8 years coupled with the fact that it's a historically significant election because we could elect the first African American President... the people are coming out in droves.

No matter how uneducated some people are... one thing is clear.... the citizens of this Country are fed up with the current administration and they want CHANGE! People see McCain as nothing more then a Bush mini-me and they don't want to be subjected to 4 more years of this crap. The republicans had 8 years to make things better but they didn't. In fact they really screwed the poooch by selecting John McCain as their candidate. Maverick my ass.....

I'm more of a Centerist and I'm not voting for McCain or Obama.... I'll be writing in my choice. I could care less if that hurts either of the big 2 candidates as I dislike both for the job. Let the chips fall where they may (which I foresee as Obama) and lets see where the next 4 years takes us.
Yes there are uneducated people all over the Country.... you have to take that clip with a grain of salt as I'm sure they interviewed a lot of people.... and I'm willing to bet more then a few caught the mistakes and corrected the interviewer.... but those were not played as they wouldn't be "shock radio" entertaining.

I think I hate the media more then I do the uneducated citizens. All the media does is try to pit people against each other with cheap stunts like this.

Politics are not easy to understand and unfortunately most poor and/or uneducated folks are so busy working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet that they don't have the time to get out on the internet and do some research.... so they do the best they can based on what they know. I think the majority of these folks usually stay home on election day.... but this year since Bush & his cronies have fucked the Country beyond belief over the last 8 years coupled with the fact that it's a historically significant election because we could elect the first African American President... the people are coming out in droves.

No matter how uneducated some people are... one thing is clear.... the citizens of this Country are fed up with the current administration and they want CHANGE! People see McCain as nothing more then a Bush mini-me and they don't want to be subjected to 4 more years of this crap. The republicans had 8 years to make things better but they didn't. In fact they really screwed the poooch by selecting John McCain as their candidate. Maverick my ass.....

I'm more of a Centerist and I'm not voting for McCain or Obama.... I'll be writing in my choice. I could care less if that hurts either of the big 2 candidates as I dislike both for the job. Let the chips fall where they may (which I foresee as Obama) and lets see where the next 4 years takes us.

Very well put Florida Girl. This is obviously a very biased broadcast. Just like Fox.
FOX is so one dimensional it's not funny. But what is funny is Bill O'reilly claiming that the Neilson ratings are rigged because Keith Olbermann is kicking his ass in the ratings! That's hilarious Bill!
FOX is so one dimensional it's not funny. But what is funny is Bill O'reilly claiming that the Neilson ratings are rigged because Keith Olbermann is kicking his ass in the ratings! That's hilarious Bill!

They have a guilty conscience because they rigged the election last term... I mean come on... HOW???
By Howard Kurtz
Researchers have now confirmed what press critics have been saying all along, that Fox News is much harder on Barack Obama and MSNBC much tougher on John McCain than the media in general.

The tone of CNN's coverage is somewhere in the middle, but more negative overall than the rest of the mainstream media.

Those are among the findings of a Project for Excellence in Journalism report, out today, which also concluded that the network evening newscasts tend to be more neutral -- and less negative -- toward the presidential candidates. The pro-Democratic tilt at MSNBC is not reflected on NBC News programs, the group says.

The numbers, as measured from Sept. 8 through Oct. 16:

Nearly three-quarters -- 73 percent -- of MSNBC's reports on McCain were deemed negative, compared to 57 percent in the media overall. Just 14 percent of the channel's Obama stories were negative, compared to 29 percent in the rest of the media. In the week of Sept. 8, when McCain was enjoying a post-convention bounce, MSNBC's negative stories on the Republican nominee outweighed positive stories by more than 7 to 1.

At Fox, 40 percent of the coverage of Obama was negative, while 40 percent of the McCain coverage was negative. That amounted to rough parity within the Fox universe, but the network was significantly harder on Obama and easier on McCain than others in the media world. Fox was also more favorably disposed toward Sarah Palin, with 37 percent of its stories positive, compared to 28 percent in the media generally.

CNN was the only one of the cable news networks at which all four candidates generated more negative than positive coverage. Thirty-nine percent of Obama stories on the network were negative, compared to 29 percent in the media overall. Sixty-one percent of its stories on McCain were negative, four percentage points higher than the media average.

The sheer volume of cable news devoted to the 2008 campaign -- 60 percent of its airtime -- was striking, compared to the average of 38 percent in the media generally, the report says.

The contrast between NBC (on "Nightly News" and "Today") and its cable sibling should reassure those who worry the broadcast network is heading left. On Palin, for instance, 42 percent of NBC's stories were positive -- twice as many as MSNBC's, and more favorable than Fox as well.

But there was a split between morning and evening coverage on the broadcast networks, with the first half-hour of the morning shows almost one-third more negative in tone than the nightly newscasts. This was especially true for the Republican candidates. Sixty-three percent of the morning show stories on McCain were negative and 39 percent of the Palin coverage was negative. In both cases, they were more negative than on the same networks' evening news.

Where did Obama fare best? On the front pages of the newspapers studied. Almost half -- 45 percent -- of the pieces about the Democratic nominee were positive, compared with 36 percent for the media overall. There were also fewer neutral stories, while the negative Obama reports -- 27 percent -- were close to the media average.

Similarly, McCain's most negative treatment was in the newspapers. Sixty-nine percent of the McCain stories studied were negative, compared to just 6 percent that were positive, an 11-to-1 imbalance.

The project examined the New York Times every day and two of these four every day: The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today and the Wall Street Journal. Four out of eight other papers, from the Philadelphia Inquirer and Chicago Tribune to the Manchester Union-Leader, were also examined every day.
Study: Some Networks Tougher on One Candidate than the Other

So we're to believe that because FOX News is not in lockstep with the rest of the Media, with an overall 57% negative for McCain versus an overall 29% percent negative for Obama, they are one-dimensional.

Fox provided 40% negative coverage to both candidates but Fox is unfair?


If Fox News is one-dimensional, what the fuck is MSNBC?
LOL. Audio and video don't lie.

Dear god, no wonder we can't elect a decent president. Perhaps we don't deserve one....
There are a lot of Americans not just blacks in Harlem that have no clue who Obama is or what he stands for. Or what he intends to try to do to this country if he get a chance. People of every nationallity hear him but have not paid attention to what he says! Just going with the hype. There is still time to pay attention before its too late, hopefully some will! Before they vote!
I guess you Fox news hatters think its OK to get one side of the story! How would you like it if the police allways believed whatever the first person they heard told them! Thats what you are saying when you pretend the other stations are honest but Fox news isnt. If you watched and compared more then what you hear and watch all the time you would see some on FOX News tell you the same exact thing you hear on CNN or MSNBC. Take the time to compare and get the facts instead of pieces of info here and there. Be infomred dont just repeat what you hear! How do you know anything about ratings unless you check it out? All the news media is supposed to do is inform the people, not pick and support candidates. Fox News is the only news informing the people instead of suporting a candidate!
But I do enjoy a GOOD joke once in while.. especially when somebody named BUBBA posts defending fox as legitimate.. awesome!!!
Fox News is the only news informing the people instead of suporting a candidate!

bro, fox news was supporting MacCain and Palin.. and they still make attempts.. but its like supporting a bag of confetti in a a hurricane.. Even fox can't stoop that low.. Actually the can and would stoop that low.. it is just impossible to stand up for them when they constantly fook themselves in their own ass.

The McCain campaign has completely imploded and the media is feasting on them.. There has not been a more pathetic cast since Olli North or Dan Quayle. Serious, politics aside.. Palin and MCCain as people are not people anybody wants to hang out with. Their brains are just not functioning properly. Sincerity is not their strong suit. It is pathetic.

Even GW seems like he'd be fun to party with a bit.

funny, there are about 1/2 dozen of these videos of FOX guys saying the room is split when clearly it is waymore OPBAMA...

case and point...

if an orginization like FOX that can lie to you while you are staring at the truth and yet they can't defend McCain/Palin.. then you can see how patheitc the GOP situation is.

FOOK, the GOP is supporting a indicted criminal as a Senator for Alaska. This guy wasn't caught holding up a store or smoking weed, or peeping in windows, or stealing beer from walmart... he was suppose to be serving the PEOPLE of the country and he got caught taking bribes from corporate Douche BAGS.. the scene is pathetic and desperate.