Kellog Soils


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone still uses Kellog Patio Plus? I used to use it and cant seem to find it anywhere. The Kellog site told me the locations i went to had it. They all had kellog organic raised bed and potting mix, but no patio plus, womdering if its been discontinued

I picked these up, anyone have a go with them.

I got some at home depot a couple months ago. Do you like this brand? I didn't really like it. It was cheap though so it's not bad
Kellogg uses sludge (human waste). They were required to show it on the label until they got a waiver to call it organic compost.
I wasn't aware of the biosludge thing,

2011 is the most recent information I can find supporting that.

This is on their website.
. Do any of your products contain bio-solids/sewage sludge?

Of the 300+ products we produce, four products once contained biosolids. Since we have moved to register all of our products to be compliant with the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP), none of our products contain bio-solids/sewage sludge in any form. Bio-solids/sewage sludge is a prohibited ingredient under USDA’s National Organic Program. All Kellogg Garden Organics and G&B Organics branded products are approved by the California Department of Food and Ag Organic Input Materials (OIM) program and listed with the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). No product with an OIM seal or OMRI seal on the bag may contain bio-solids/sewage sludge.
I typically use the Kellogs Organic Potting mix for my outdoor plants.
Compared to what I remove from the hole, it's light years better.
Are there better options? Of course.
Does it work? You bet it does.
I've used Kellogs for planters before but that was the big bale of Raised Beds and Potting Mix. It was too much wood. Almost like barkdust. I've never purchased it again.
So i sifted the 3 bags of soil, twice!!

This is what i found.
Around 8 gallons of mulch sized wood
Hard plastic pieces of unknown crap
What appears to be ground particle board cabinetry or something. Looks like tan laminate still on one big piece
I think one or two pieces might be foam..
There was also would looked like somebody's lawn clippings mixed in.

I wont ever be buying Kellogs anything ever again. Go F yourself Kellogs Soil

Wow I have been advising ppl to get decent organic mixes on par with Kellogg’s. Guess they are cutting corners. Too bad; insert sad face emoji