you would have to be pay me a handsome sum to chuck 6 plants in outdoor season .
I don't know where you live but I'm assuming it's not the desert lol.go buy yourself a couple bags of cow shit,sheep shit horse shit .here in Canada you can get bags of pro gro manure for as little as 3 bucks .If you look at the labels though they all have added peat ,hummus ,some different stuff that you wouldn't expect so it's not straight shjt ,althoug that would do long as shes composted .
grab a shovel find yourself a spot thats not on a hill or a big gulley .semi neutral .A hill will work just gonna need to water couple times ,gulley is a no go standing water in big rains ,anywhere that looks like it would be good spot cause it stays wet all the time and your first thought would be I wouldn't have to water very much, is too wet,and the bugs will shut ya down in weeks .
anywhere there is vegetation .if you can see trees you should be good .vegetation tells ya it isn't a Barron wasteland and trees and bushes assure you that the water (ground water ,rain water when it rains ) will be held at opitumum levels .it signals to you that piece of dirt is doing what it should.Holding the right amount of water .Roots of plants and trees are what signals that the ground is being held together in the way it was meant to be so it can support thirsty weed plants and others .you look at the desert no t tress no water.look at tributaries ,rivers any moving water source that has been clear cut when it rains the water level rises quick,gets dirty ,stays dirty ,and drops just as fast.for the most part healthy head waters are full of healthy trees,and when a blast of rain comes it brings levels up slowly and for the most part clear as the land retains copious amounts of water and it's largely because of roots and vegetation y .monster rains bring them up fast a swell and will get muddy yes but in a djfferent magnitude .pay attention you will see it.I'm not saying that's scientific proven shit but it's accurate
4.dig some holes throw the shit in then transplant .the medium will seem like pure mud ,which it is and normally not suitable for cannabis ,but outdoors is different world trust me.the pant will send that taproot to China !most cases it will find it's own happy !medium with what's below and the cow shit will help keep it that way and keep it fed at a steady rate e.put some hay or brush over the mud to keep it from drying out too much of you prefer depends on the climate . Chuck some slug bait over your shoulder ,don't put it right beside your plants ,I don't have to explain why do i? "Man I put slug bait a round my plants but the slugs still slimed me ". yes you did dipshit you baited the slugs ........right to your plants lol.I
You can feed water if you like ,or you can come back in the fall and if you dodge all the other variables that you have to dodge in any spot ,the pounds be hanging lol.
Now yes of course there are things that are unpredictable ,ph,droughts ,Unicorn jizzed on your plants .simple as handful of lyme,!might have to water once or twice ,I ain't got the cure for Unicorn spunk so you gonna have to email Jorge Cervantes on that one !!!!!
Just adapt to your scenario .....and it is as easy as that !!!! You can not believe me all you want but it's a Weed!!!! It's probably not going to be as big a buds as your plants that you watered \fed x times week ,or maybe they will be bigger !!!!!
outdoors is child's play to me nowadays !!!!! Next couple years I will actually have the time to put a substantial outdoor crop out again and I will document it for the boys lol late on the draw this year be lucky to get 30 or 40 plants out but i m thinking I'm might just do some breading .I hope you take at least a little bit of what I s aid and apply it ,because when next year comes you will have cleared all doubts in your head and be able to pull in some truckloads with little effort if you want to.....if that's your style of course
This is a set it and forget it method for !me. It's what I used to do to have the strength in numbe rs and now I use it to crop when I have no t ime. It's not how I believe is the best way to go about outdoor growing but I'm your situation it's ideal