Warren for VP

100% right on, I was not thinking of it in today's terms. There is too much going on for any holes anymore, when I wrote this, the world didn't fall apart yet, I was really hoping Trump would get lucky and the first domino wouldn't have fallen prior to Biden being sworn in.

I was thinking that Biden might be able to have 4 easy years (relatively speaking, world calamity wise) and handed off the reigns last year. He can still hand it off in 4 years, but there is no screwing around with this 4 years either. I think it is worth the risk of the Democratic control of the Senate for a couple months since I think the governor of that state dislikes Trump.

I heard about this earlier, I haven't read it yet though: https://www.vox.com/2020/5/26/21257648/joe-biden-climate-economy-tax-plans

It goes into Biden having a lot of plans too, sounded interesting to skim.

I really liked the idea of Demmings too. I think Biden could pull off having someone like Romney as Secretary of State maybe (knowing nothing outside of him being spot on about Russia in 2012 and someone Republicans could appreciate as a gesture), assuming he doesn't have any xenophobic tendencies. I don't know, now that I am thinking about it, someone like Omar might be an interesting pick. Maybe not Omar, but someone that has real insight into being multicultural.

All one needs to do is mutter the name "Ilhan Omar" and teeth clench around the room. She draws the ire of white people like Muhammad Ali did in his heyday. I don't know much about her except the bad press she's gotten. She's a warrior and a champion but that doesn't seem to matter or perhaps is part of the reason why she's so disliked. Anyway, she needs seasoning and demonstrate that she can work well with others to get key legislation that is important to her constituents passed into law. I'm glad she's in the House and look forward to seeing her grow.
This is the kind of Democrat the party produces these days, someone satisfied Biden might choose Romney for a fuckin' cabinet position

Why not just join the Republican party and quit LARPING as a Democrat?
Bernie's not a Democrat. Do you know who are?

Elizabeth Warren, Ilhan Omar, Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Presley, many others. Including my guy, Peter Defazio. They are all good supporters of progressive issues and I think I'll continue to support them.

What's your beef with Warren anyway?
This is the kind of Democrat the party produces these days, someone satisfied Biden might choose Romney for a fuckin' cabinet position

Why not just join the Republican party and quit LARPING as a Democrat?

For your information, before you were born, the parties mixed regularly. This devisive red state/blue state shit is recent propaganda.

Delusional as usual

You're right, and everyone who has read any of your posts realizes this! :lol:

This is the kind of Democrat the party produces these days, someone satisfied Biden might choose Romney for a fuckin' cabinet position

Why not just join the Republican party and quit LARPING as a Democrat?
Typical 'progressive' mask of a 'Left troll' attack.

I wouldn't join the Republican party because I do not support their xenophobic and religious tendencies, it stops them from accepting things like climate change, and science in general. All they need to keep their base happy is to stop everything from being done and to take as little money from them as possible to do that while keeping them safe.

Everyone else needs to work together and intelligently and build up our society by us all contributing to the fullest of our abilities while they are able. The Democrats are the only party trying to govern for the entire country. They do some stupid things, and fall into political rhetoric, but they are not the corporate stooges that you try to convince people that they are.

Being pro corporation is not a bad thing. A lot of Americans earn a great income that supports them and their families working at them, and it doesn't make sense to try to punish them because it sounds good. And it is not like history doesn't have unlimited examples of corporations behaving badly, but it is a human at the end of that corporation that is to blame, not some monster, generally.

Some maybe even a large number, of CEO's might be psycho, but generally people are just short sighted when it comes to them earning a living.


All one needs to do is mutter the name "Ilhan Omar" and teeth clench around the room. She draws the ire of white people like Muhammad Ali did in his heyday. I don't know much about her except the bad press she's gotten. She's a warrior and a champion but that doesn't seem to matter or perhaps is part of the reason why she's so disliked. Anyway, she needs seasoning and demonstrate that she can work well with others to get key legislation that is important to her constituents passed into law. I'm glad she's in the House and look forward to seeing her grow.
From everything (a speech and a couple interviews wen people would troll her to get it in context) I have seen she is smart and not at all radical. But she has a accent so Trump's troll army can edit together some soundbites that make her sound bad enough that people who want to believe her to be what ever they want her to be they can.
Is Liz electable, no opinion myself, but this might provide some insight. Might be time to start working over the Bernie bros, using the appropriate means of course, they ain't Trumpers. just ill! Liz don't like big corporations and banks, wants to tax them, if he picks her it will corner the Bernie Bros like rats. Seriously though, many of these people are the low hanging fruit for Joe and Liz should get some of them, these are serious numbers of voters.

Famed Democratic pollster: Warren as VP would lead to Biden victory
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Stan Greenberg says the Massachusetts senator would bring the biggest political upside — and he's making the case to Biden.

Stan Greenberg, one of the Democratic Party's longtime leading pollsters, urged Hillary Clinton in 2016 to pick Elizabeth Warren as her vice president. He thinks Clinton would be president had she listened.

Now Greenberg — who popularized the term “Reagan Democrats” and came to prominence as Bill Clinton’s lead pollster — is urging Joe Biden’s team to heed the same advice.

Earlier this month, he briefed top Biden campaign officials on two battleground surveys conducted by his firm. Accompanied by a slide presentation that was obtained by POLITICO, Greenberg addressed the question hanging over Biden and his inner circle: Which vice presidential candidate will help the most in November?

The conclusion was blunt: “Sen. Warren is the obvious solution.”

Biden’s biggest problem, Greenberg said, is that the Democratic Party has not unified behind him. In fact, Biden is now behind where Clinton was with Bernie Sanders voters in 2016, with more than 20 percent of the democratic socialist’s backers saying they would not vote for him, even as 87 percent of them pledge to vote for a Democrat for Congress. At a similar point in the 2016 cycle, roughly 15 percent of Sanders voters said they wouldn’t vote for Hillary Cllinton and Greenberg’s own polling through Democracy Corps around Election Day found the same.

“They lean towards the Democrats, but Biden’s not getting their votes yet,” Greenberg told POLITICO.
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Is Liz electable, no opinion myself, but this might provide some insight. Might be time to start working over the Bernie bros, using the appropriate means of course, they ain't Trumpers. just ill! Liz don't like big corporations and banks, wants to tax them, if he picks her it will corner the Bernie Bros like rats. Seriously though, many of these people are the low hanging fruit for Joe and Liz should get some of them, these are serious numbers of voters.

Famed Democratic pollster: Warren as VP would lead to Biden victory
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Stan Greenberg says the Massachusetts senator would bring the biggest political upside — and he's making the case to Biden.

Stan Greenberg, one of the Democratic Party's longtime leading pollsters, urged Hillary Clinton in 2016 to pick Elizabeth Warren as her vice president. He thinks Clinton would be president had she listened.

Now Greenberg — who popularized the term “Reagan Democrats” and came to prominence as Bill Clinton’s lead pollster — is urging Joe Biden’s team to heed the same advice.

Earlier this month, he briefed top Biden campaign officials on two battleground surveys conducted by his firm. Accompanied by a slide presentation that was obtained by POLITICO, Greenberg addressed the question hanging over Biden and his inner circle: Which vice presidential candidate will help the most in November?

The conclusion was blunt: “Sen. Warren is the obvious solution.”

Biden’s biggest problem, Greenberg said, is that the Democratic Party has not unified behind him. In fact, Biden is now behind where Clinton was with Bernie Sanders voters in 2016, with more than 20 percent of the democratic socialist’s backers saying they would not vote for him, even as 87 percent of them pledge to vote for a Democrat for Congress. At a similar point in the 2016 cycle, roughly 15 percent of Sanders voters said they wouldn’t vote for Hillary Cllinton and Greenberg’s own polling through Democracy Corps around Election Day found the same.

“They lean towards the Democrats, but Biden’s not getting their votes yet,” Greenberg told POLITICO.
Warren couldn't win the primary. In fact she almost never even drew enough votes to gain delegates in most of the contests. So, the answer to the elect-ability question seems clear. I'm coming at this from a different angle. Vice presidents don't matter much if at all in the election. I think she would make a great president.

The Sanders vote turned out to be a dud. Sanders was banking on young non-voting non-aligned people to show up in a massive wave to force him upon Democrats. You posted a cartoon with that trope a few months back. It was actually a very precise observation and statement, I thought.


He saw the large field of candidates and figured he could get a plurality going into the convention and use that to take over the Democratic Party. 25% might have been enough to gain that plurality if enough candidates stayed in the race long enough. He wasn't a Democrat. Pad, @schuylaarr and others of their kind aren't. So, they were like Bernie in the cartoon, trying to force their attentions on us.
Warren couldn't win the primary. In fact she almost never even drew enough votes to gain delegates in most of the contests. So, the answer to the elect-ability question seems clear. I'm coming at this from a different angle. Vice presidents don't matter much if at all in the election. I think she would make a great president.

The Sanders vote turned out to be a dud. Sanders was banking on young non-voting non-aligned people to show up in a massive wave to force him upon Democrats. You posted a cartoon with that trope a few months back. It was actually a very precise observation and statement, I thought.

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He saw the large field of candidates and figured he could get a plurality going into the convention and use that to take over the Democratic Party. 25% might have been enough to gain that plurality if enough candidates stayed in the race long enough. He wasn't a Democrat. Pad, @schuylaarr and others of their kind aren't. So, they were like Bernie in the cartoon, trying to force their attentions on us.
I'm for anything that gets rid of Trump, I keep my distance from primaries and even VP picks for the most part, American business. Other than injecting some humor and expert? opinion of a dem pollster, to give some insight into Joe's possible considerations. I figure Liz is a good choice though and she might bring over some on the left, but considering what is happening, you gotta be pretty ideological to ignore the tragedy and the country burning down around you. It's pretty selfish to say that unless things go exactly your way you will stay home and not vote, while whining about Trump.
I'm for anything that gets rid of Trump, I keep my distance from primaries and even VP picks for the most part, American business. Other than injecting some humor and expert? opinion of a dem pollster, to give some insight into Joe's possible considerations. I figure Liz is a good choice though and she might bring over some on the left, but considering what is happening, you gotta be pretty ideological to ignore the tragedy and the country burning down around you. It's pretty selfish to say that unless things go exactly your way you will stay home and not vote, while whining about Trump.
Most Sanders supporters don't vote. Not even for Sanders. It's common among younger people who have so much else going on in their lives.

I've always admired her insight.

I'd be OK with her as veep. She said what I'm thinking too:

I’m going to tell you what I honestly and deeply believe. Joe Biden has got to win this election. And I want him to choose whoever he believes, and whoever can help him win. Period. I know that sounds pretty coldblooded, but that’s where I am.

He’ll make the best decision for him to win in November. And that’s the bottom line.

Also this:

President Obama, Oprah and other prominent black figures in America have talked about being profiled. Have you had that experience of, say, being followed in a department store?

Yes. And my family members have, too. But I just have to tell you, Lisa, I’m really sick of having to explain my experiences with racism to people for them to understand that it exists.

Why do you think people want to hear that kind of personal testimonial?

I don’t know. I don’t know why people keep asking the question. Maybe it’s because they really are still head-in-the-sand and coming to terms with the realities of America on the issue of race.

The aggrieved tell their story and the perps simply gaslight them. I've had it with explaining racism to racists too. Head-in-the-sand is an apt analogy except their heads are buried in a part of their anatomy.