Can anybody tell me what’s going on

Just transplanted 4 days ago and gave nutes. Can anyone tell me if this is stress from transplant or maybe I overfed them? The new growth still looks pretty healthy and green. I am new and just observing the plant so I figured I’d ask.


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I fed 5 ml each of nectar of gods medusa magic Gaia mania herculean harvest and zeus juice.
I didn't want to over feed so I didn't give full amount of everything.
Also the room temp is @ 78 with humidity around 40 percent
6.3 is to high for coco. With coco you need to feed around 5.8
so should I just let the roots dry up and adjust PH on the next feed?
This is just one of the plants all of the others look good as of now.
Like I said I did just transplant 4 days ago I was thinking it was some stress but also maybe a feeding problem
5.5-6.0 is optimal ph for coco. I'm just wondering why your other girls are not showing any deficiency..... did you use pre-washed coco? Or wash it yourself before transplant?
Was it the only plant you transplanted in that coco? Coco has alot of salts in it. You have to run alot of water thru it before use
Also, The way the leaf edges are curling up is a sign of heat stress most of the time. Since your temp is good, Your light might be a little to close. Keep in mind, Extreme over/under watering can show those signs sometimes too. Things like this is why the little details mean alot.
5.5-6.0 is optimal ph for coco. I'm just wondering why your other girls are not showing any deficiency..... did you use pre-washed coco? Or wash it yourself before transplant?
Most coco is pre washed these days, do you grow in coco?
Also, The way the leaf edges are curling up is a sign of heat stress most of the time. Since your temp is good, Your light might be a little to close. Keep in mind, Extreme over/under watering can show those signs sometimes too. Things like this is why the little details mean alot.
How exactly do a mofo overwater in coco? It's a medium that shouldn't dry out, any plant with somewhat of a root zone can take it, or it drains out the bottom........