Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

I did get my card. I searched g**gle for marijuana doctor near me, there was only 1. I took all my test results to him but he needed something from my regular doctor with a "Diagnosis" stated on it. She wouldn't acknowledge anything related to marijuana. Wouldn't even answer questions. So I had to endure a bunch of new tests just to get the official diagnosis's. Once I had that, the marijuana doctor had no problem signing off.

The despensary people prefer you speak to them first. They know all the ins and outs. They also help you with the application process.

What type of testing??? Did you have to go through
I imagine if you found a doc with a more liberal approach ... you would be able to get it
yeah that's definitely my thought and my plan at some point here. I don't currently have a license so yeah. Least with recreational legal now I don't need any opiates in the meantime. Just wish they'd allow 5 plants for everyone regardless.
The law now states "medical professional"... rather than doctor.

Check the IDPH... if I understand the situation... any MD. PA, or NP licensed in the state can sign the application.

And yes, in my area most MDs hands are tied by their contract with their employer... I got lucky and selected a rural health clinic DO years before my request... I genuinely had a doctor-patient relationship for several years before I applied.
Are cannabis clinic doctors the route to take assuming you have one of the qualifying conditions?

My regular PCP signed. If he wouldn't have I would've went through my specialists. The difference is a $30 co-pay or about $300-$500 to a clinic Dr.
But if your Dr won't sign what else are you going to do?
And you have to keep going back to the clinic however many times a year they say to keep the relationship (or they can revoke your card), most likely all of the visits are cash. So if you go that route keep on talking to your regular Drs to get them on board so they hopefully sign for you in the future.

Also make sure your regular Drs know they are only certifying you have that diagnosis. Not prescribing.
Any idea what the wait times are now during Covid? I just submitted my application online.
Hey there! I applied March 26 received provisional next day via email. No card yet in mail as of today. I did reach out to them to find out if my card was mailed still waiting a response! Hopefully I’ll know more Monday.
Hey there! I applied March 26 received provisional next day via email. No card yet in mail as of today. I did reach out to them to find out if my card was mailed still waiting a response! Hopefully I’ll know more Monday.
I got my provisional yesterday! Day after submitting the app online
Hey there!
actually my medical card just came today in mail so applied online in March 26 and got card may 2 not too bad. Hope your comes soon!
Applied April 30th, card arrived Today May 27th, a few days shy of a month! My sticky stealth stash is no longer illegal!

I just applied today but received no email confirmation. Just an email receipt for my payment. Was this the case for you?
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Applied April 30th, card arrived Today May 27th, a few days shy of a month! My sticky stealth stash is no longer illegal!

Unless you grew it yourself, in which case we don't need to talk about your very fast maturing variety, and have more than 30g it was already legal.
Maybe not legal to transport without a dispensary container (which themselves don't follow the odor proof law for transportation) but all pot is legal since legalization. The cops that claim it has to be from a dispensary to be legal don't know what they're talking about. Legal for anyone to own from any source, not legal to sell except for dispensaries.