Help Needed with topping!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I tried in the newbie central but really didn't get an answer that helped so I thought I'd try here. I've got three lil ones, all a month old now, and I'm trying to find out when the earliest I can top them is. They're growing in my AG right now and they're looking nice, but I'd like them to be a bit bushier.

Anyone out there know the earliest I can start topping? I'll be including some pics asap if that would help at all



Well-Known Member
Lucky you. I was login in to post topping pics and your thread was on the home page. Put yeah, I do it anywhere above the fourth node. I find though, the bigger the plant at topping; The quicker the recovery. Here's some good close-ups of a girl I topped about 5 days ago in her 1st week of flower. Just an experiment. But yours should look the same minus the hairs if your in Veg.

From your pics I'd say there what 5-7 inches? If so, I'd say feel free to cut em'. Here's a link to my current thread. It's a SOG grow but I've got 25 girls all trimmed a little different. Should give you some ideas at least. Lots of pics.

Good luck and stay safe. Hope I helped some.
-The Dude



Well-Known Member
Thanks alot everyone, I just topped the one on the left. And rat, they're about 7-8 inches tall. I just topped the plant on the left of my first picture just to see how much it'll grow out as I only have a limited space in the AG even with the 3 or 4 CFL's I've added.