How does destroying the property of innocent people fix systemic problems of governmental abuse ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?
just kidding, I understand exactly what’s going on. op is a racist douche and a bunch of neo nazis, both cops and trumplovers, are trying to delegitimize peaceful protests by poc who have been mistreated for centuries by racist douches like op
So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?

The ignoring of the multiple hate groups and loner INCEL types getting triggered online negates your loaded questions validity.
im not sure why your fellow trump loving fascist mcinnes fanboys are destroying property

I don't love Trump though, I think he has no respect for people and disregards individuals "property right" in themselves.

Stop trying to avoid my premise and address it, how does destroying the property of people who haven't harmed you address the murder of a man that a cop killed? How does wearing a mask (obedience / mental slave collar) "while protesting governmental abuse" give any level of seriousness to a protest ?
I don't love Trump though, I think he has no respect for people and disregards individuals "property right" in themselves.

Stop trying to avoid my premise and address it, how does destroying the property of people who haven't harmed you address the murder of a man that a cop killed? How does wearing a mask (obedience / mental slave collar) "while protesting governmental abuse" give any level of seriousness to a protest ?
your false claims have been addressed, stop spamming our forum
Two wrongs don't make a right, perhaps you've heard that one before ?
I was commenting on your lack of concern for black lives while fainting and shitting yourself once a window is broken

we all see it for what it is, racist loser
I was commenting on your lack of concern for black lives while fainting and shitting yourself once a window is broken

we all see it for what it is, racist loser

I have inadvertently sharted a time or two, but haven't shit my pants in over 60 years.

I'm concerned that the present police model will continue and people will falsely think "it's a few bad apples" and not a systemic problem that could be solved by peaceful free market competition where peaceful people can make choices, rather than being captives within a rigged system.

Breaking windows and burning cars of innocent people is not a solution. You can't hit the target if you don't aim, gun lover.
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So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?
have you never heard of the "Boston Tea Party"?....violent protest is in the countries DNA....and it worked
So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?
This assumes they are the same people. There are protesters with a legitimate grievance, and there are people who use the anonymity of the crowd to do harm for personal gain. I dont think the vast majority of them are the same people. However, Fox will blur that line for you because it serves as a useful confirmation bias.
This assumes they are the same people. There are protesters with a legitimate grievance, and there are people who use the anonymity of the crowd to do harm for personal gain. I dont think the vast majority of them are the same people. However, Fox will blur that line for you because it serves as a useful confirmation bias.
Yeah where do they draw the line? If the military is going to shoot a group of 10 people and 6 are violent looters while 4 are peaceful protesters, is that ok? What about 6 peaceful and 4 violent? Same dilemma we have fighting in the middle east and we see how well that turns out. Violence breeds more resentment and violence.
This assumes they are the same people. There are protesters with a legitimate grievance, and there are people who use the anonymity of the crowd to do harm for personal gain. I dont think the vast majority of them are the same people. However, Fox will blur that line for you because it serves as a useful confirmation bias.

Not a fan of Fox News or any other television news "program(ming)". That's sort of a tired play out of the liberal platitude handbook. Yawn.

My concern isn't that the protesters are going too far. It's that they aren't going far enough. Begging for reform without changing the operational means of how Policing is done is meaningless, since it doesn't address the root cause. Swatting at symptoms is the wrong approach and won't do jack shit in the long term.

Asking for "police reform" when the model of how cops are paid, by an involuntary basis, is like asking rapists to wear condoms. A free market holds people accountable, a rigged system does not. In a free market if you don't like the security provided you abandon it and go to a service supplier who values you, instead of kills you. Freedom of choice...Sort of a good thing wouldn't you say?
burning down and looting family owned businesses so that's a way of fixing governmental abuse?

No, that is a way to displace anger and create more problems. Police do have a history of disregarding their "servants", so the anger is justified when a cop murders somebody. Damaging other property is a dumb response though and solves nothing.

In any other situation if an alleged service provider said you had to pay them whether you used them or not and prevented others from offering the same service in a competitive market people would be astounded and simply go someplace else for the service.

How many times would you keep going to a Restaurant (if they were "allowed" to be open) if they kept spitting in your salad ? Wouldn't you say fuck that and give your money to somebody who respected you as a customer ? Why shouldn't people be able to choose amongst several security providers and let the shitty ones wither away from lack of customer dollars ?
Yeah where do they draw the line? If the military is going to shoot a group of 10 people and 6 are violent looters while 4 are peaceful protesters, is that ok? What about 6 peaceful and 4 violent? Same dilemma we have fighting in the middle east and we see how well that turns out. Violence breeds more resentment and violence.

Good question.

Police and military are funded via threats of violence for failure to fund them. I would draw the line before that occurrence and replace it with a competitive market for security. Who would you fund, Killers and extortionists or people who provided a good service and were accountable for their actions ?
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It’s called mob mentality. And also a bunch of insecure racists themselves have to go out and show the world they ain’t racist by burning their own neighborhoods to the ground
Except it is not people from the neighborhoods doing a lot of the damage, it is the racists from the burbs leaving their parents basements to go into these neighborhoods that people are peacefully protesting busting shit up and inciting the chaos. Well at least when they are not leaving the burbs to go killing people by doing things like kneeling on a man neck in cities.

It might change now that Trump is trying to act like a tough guy for his cult to wet themselves to.