How does destroying the property of innocent people fix systemic problems of governmental abuse ?


Well-Known Member
So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?
Think there is an element of criminality jumping on the bandwagon and turning protests into mobs. Mob psychology is not driven by intelligence, something baser at work. You see it depicted in the stoning of a woman in Afganistan, the burning by tyre and petrol "necklace" of an alleged witch or criminal in South Africa. Or the pillaging and destruction after Mark Duggan was shot in UK. Individuals use the cover of a protest crowd to spark off outrageous or criminal acts, and then mindless follow as the adrenalin thrill kicks in.

Authorities should target the criminals and mindless thrill seekers. Birdshot works. Nothing wrong with protests. Everything wrong with mobs.


Well-Known Member
Good question.

Police and military are funded via threats of violence for failure to fund them. I would draw the line before that occurrence and replace it with a competitive market for security. Who would you fund, Killers and extortionists or people who provided a good service and were accountable for their actions ?
Like prison systems. Its big business, you got to keep the merry-go-round of money making flowing. Same bad apples will just work for a new master. Privatising propably encourages covering up the bad actors and injustices. And puts the focus on income generation.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Like prison systems. Its big business, you got to keep the merry-go-round of money making flowing. Same bad apples will just work for a new master. Privatising propably encourages covering up the bad actors and injustices. And puts the focus on income generation.
No, privatizing in an actual free market, EXPOSES the bad actors and allows customers to abandon them.

Income generation is an incentive, that's true, but if your customer is free to chose the guy across the street, who treats people fairly and honestly, how long will the fraud remain in business ?

You sometimes sell moldy weed and you're the only one that people are allowed to buy weed from. In fact, even people who don't like weed are forced to buy your weed.

Another person sells good weed and treats you and others like a respected cusotmer.

Which business model is the best ? Which would you support ?
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Think there is an element of criminality jumping on the bandwagon and turning protests into mobs. Mob psychology is not driven by intelligence, something baser at work. You see it depicted in the stoning of a woman in Afganistan, the burning by tyre and petrol "necklace" of an alleged witch or criminal in South Africa. Or the pillaging and destruction after Mark Duggan was shot in UK. Individuals use the cover of a protest crowd to spark off outrageous or criminal acts, and then mindless follow as the adrenalin thrill kicks in.

Authorities should target the criminals and mindless thrill seekers. Birdshot works. Nothing wrong with protests. Everything wrong with mobs.
I agree about the mob mentality. I don't believe there is such a thing as innate "authority" over others though. That's the mindset that perpetuates the problems. Individuals acting cooperatively for a stated purpose are better able to solve problems in the long run than perpetual authority figures.

Authorities can sometimes impose order, but institutional authority doesn't deliver or sustain peace. It's impossible.


Well-Known Member
No privatizing in an actual free market, EXPOSES the bad actors and allows customers to abandon them.

Income generation is an incentive, that's true, but if your customer is free to chose the guy across the street, who treats people fairly and honestly, how long will the fraud remain in business ?

You sometimes sell moldy weed and you're the only one that people are allowed to buy weed from. In fact, even people who don't like weed are forced to buy your weed.

Another person sells good weed and treats you and others like a respected cusotmer.

Which business model is the best ? Which would you support ?
We can argue for commercialisation, but the profit becomes the driving force behind an enterprise. Policing is not a commercial enterprise. It is supposed to be a public service. Not a business. People end up dying because they are priced out of a service. Should armies be disbanded and replaced by private outfits too? Does the military run as a business? May be a bad example depending on your point of view. Was watching a video on a terrorist attack on some shopping mall in Kenya, and it struck me how a UK soldier on military attachment training Kenyan special forces - repeatedly went into the zone and retrieved civilians. That is a great example of public service. That is what the police force are. Its time to burn the bad actors and their buddies. And start highlighting the heroes. Give future generations some inspiration.

Not funny how these protests turned into riots. A few bad actors turn the character and perception in another direction. Bit like cops who were filmed. Sheeple everywhere, even in police forces.


Well-Known Member
We can argue for commercialisation, but the profit becomes the driving force behind an enterprise. Policing is not a commercial enterprise. It is supposed to be a public service. Not a business. People end up dying because they are priced out of a service. Should armies be disbanded and replaced by private outfits too? Does the military run as a business? May be a bad example depending on your point of view. Was watching a video on a terrorist attack on some shopping mall in Kenya, and it struck me how a UK soldier on military attachment training Kenyan special forces - repeatedly went into the zone and retrieved civilians. That is a great example of public service. That is what the police force are. Its time to burn the bad actors and their buddies. And start highlighting the heroes. Give future generations some inspiration.

Not funny how these protests turned into riots. A few bad actors turn the character and perception in another direction. Bit like cops who were filmed. Sheeple everywhere, even in police forces.
We are a highly programmable species. Even if we have a hard time admitting it.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Policing is not a commercial enterprise. It is supposed to be a public service. Not a business. People end up dying because they are priced out of a service. Should armies be disbanded
Policing in the present form exists to enforce legislation and help collect revenue. Cops have no duty to protect you. Castle Rock vs Gonzales I think is the Supreme Court case.

People end up dying because cops have a monopoly on force. Those who don't die, are still forced to pay for a so called service whether they want it or not. If you are worried about covering poor and elderly with security, in a free market nothing would stop you from starting a charitable organization or discounted service.

The United States wasn't supposed to have a standing army. Should armies be disbanded ? Certainly there is evidence democide would decrease if they were.


Well-Known Member
Policing in the present form exists to enforce legislation and help collect revenue. Cops have no duty to protect you. Castle Rock vs Gonzales I think is the Supreme Court case.

People end up dying because cops have a monopoly on force. Those who don't die, are still forced to pay for a so called service whether they want it or not. If you are worried about covering poor and elderly with security, in a free market nothing would stop you from starting a charitable organization or discounted service.

The United States wasn't supposed to have a standing army. Should armies be disbanded ? Certainly there is evidence democide would decrease if they were.
No government, no cops and everybody armed to the teeth, sounds like Afghanistan to me, you need to move Rob, your libertarian paradise exists, but don't wear the money suit if you want to live. Libya and Iraq are much the same or were, Trade in the monkey suit for a turbin or other head rag Rob and get a plane ticket, paradise on earth awaits for folks like you. I hear the weather is rather hot as is the situation in the DRC, the individuals have mineral wealth under foot and other greedy people want it, they are organised into armed groups.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Libya and Iraq are much the same or were,
Libya and Iraq were toppled / invaded by the USA, when that gang was "policing the world". The Iraq invasion was more obvious and out in the open, the Libyan fuck over isn't as well known, you were probably too busy watching hockey up there in Canada to pay attention eh?

Libya and Ghaddafi were punished for daring to try to get out from under the U.S. dollar. Ever notice how the "bad" countries are coincidentally those who try to leave the USA's harem of U.S. dollar buttfucked countries?

If cops are paid thru forced funding, (they are) is that an instance of them "protecting and serving" you ?

Do you begin a lovemaking session by threatening to punch your partner in the face if they fail to go along with your demands ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you are referring to the police right?....
Police aren't paid via voluntary exchange are they ? If you or I did business that way, would other people like it or avoid us ?

You have a fine government subsidized Tesla you might sell for the right price. I come to your house, tell you I'm buying it for thousands less than your lowest price and threaten to break your legs if you don't "agree" to the deal I'm giving you. Am I doing it right?

Did you make sure to clean my new Tesla out before you sold it to me and will you be home when I come by to collect monthly payments from you so I can maintain this vehicle I will use to keep "protecting" you ?

What is "authority" ? Where does it come from ?


Well-Known Member
just kidding, I understand exactly what’s going on. op is a racist douche and a bunch of neo nazis, both cops and trumplovers, are trying to delegitimize peaceful protests by poc who have been mistreated for centuries by racist douches like op
They killed a black cop last night and shot 4 other cops fyi pthat was in one city alone. Put a store owner into a coma who will never walk again... The protest is fine but the rioters are either morons, thieves, or organized anarchists.


Well-Known Member
So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?
Remora fish. And you're an idiot.


Well-Known Member
The looters are mostly assholes who arent black or arent even from the cities they are protesting in.
