Well-Known Member
Nice we shop at the same place which cut of ICC u get dude said the only difference is price....my bad community for that non pug related edible infused outburst
I actually got mine from my cousin in LA but I bet we do shop at the same place lol. From what I know(not much lol) there are 4 popular cuts. FF says his is from his buddy in a 3 pack selection, FCG uses the phinest cut, beleaf cut which looks so bomb I want to go to okc to grab some of his cuts man, and this one from my cousin is supposedly a Jungle boys cut from about 2 years back. And they all run about 3-5 I believe. I paid a bit more from mine but my cousin has given me so many free cuts over the years I can't complain.
Also my bad for non related thug pug posts. I added you though homie