Plant almost dead after snail attack to stem


Active Member
Hi All

I've got two Frisian Dews in my back garden that have been enjoying the unseasonably warm UK spring. Until a couple of weeks ago when one of them was eaten alive by a rogue snail.

I found it one morning leaning over where it clearly been almost completely "skinned" on at the base of its stem. And had lost 3 or four of its leaves on one side

I stood it up straight with a couple of tent pegs, and have left it for the last week hoping that the stem would recover. But the last few days it seems to have taken a turn for the worse.

As you can see the other one is still very much enjoying life.

Any suggestions of what I could do to try and save it? would putting it in a smaller pot and moving it to the greenhouse help?

Or is this one a gonner?

Any help would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
It's not looking good. Maybe smear some honey on the wounds and bury it with more soil and hope for the best.

I had a snail take out most of my Zinnia starts in the greenhouse one night.


Well-Known Member
copper around the rim of the pot will keep slugs and snails away
You still need to make sure they aren't in the medium though at that point
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Active Member
It's not looking good. Maybe smear some honey on the wounds and bury it with more soil and hope for the best.

I had a snail take out most of my Zinnia starts in the greenhouse one night.
Thanks for the honey tip. I will give that a go!


Well-Known Member
It's not looking good. Maybe smear some honey on the wounds and bury it with more soil and hope for the best.

I had a snail take out most of my Zinnia starts in the greenhouse one night.
I think Xtsho is on the right track...just top it up with some soil (rather than transplant) to cover the wound and promote more roots and avoid stressing the plant further.

Perhaps elevate the plant off the ground to for a bit to prevent more snail attacks :)