How can I lose 60 lbs without working out?

Starve yourself. Cardio. No sugar. Only vegitables. Broccoli and brown rice. Nothing white. Eat nuts. Lots of fiber.

Don’t get a dog - people get dogs and say they are going to go for walks and runs and use the dog as an excuse to get in shape, but usually the dog is far more active and energetic than the owner and eventually the dog ends up being the one suffering. Maybe borrow a dog and try that out for a few months.
Maybe a better options would be to offer to walk other peoples dogs. Earn a little cash and burn some fat. Two birds, one stone.
Adderall does the trick but the come down is shit lol.i think the lowest I got on it was like 160 sitting at 180
Look up intermittent fasting, but take your supplements like mag and potassium. I basically waited to eat until about 11-12 and wouldnt eat after 7-8pm. Drink tons of water and coffee. But i ate fast food, drank pop etc. Just watched my calorie count and didnt eat late at night. went from 285 to 205, the last 20lbs i had to cut sugar completely but then i went back to normal eating schedule at the same time. I bet you drop 15lbs in three weeks cutting added sugar out.

edit: also doing a small walk, jump rope etc even for 5-10 minutes will do you some good.
1200 calories, high protein and low carbs. Exercise 30 minutes a day if you can.
You should lose 20 lbs in the first month.
Good luck, You did not gain it overnight so don’t expect to lose it overnight.

That’s tough. You’re a better man than I. When I decide I wanna lose so, I track every calorie, fat & protein on a spreadsheet. I limit to 1,800 calories daily, with serious exercise at least 2x weekly. I use a fat caliper n tailor’s tape measure to track progress. I calculate body fat. Lots of protein, lots of produce. Zero fast food. Zero or nearly so on chips, cookies n other junk. The bottom line, however, is food consumption. Significantly reduce your intake, & u will lose weight.
Try Keto. You can eat Fats and Protien. Low Carbs still. Cardio. Hit the treadmills or ellipticals. Find a hill and run up it 30 times. You must change your eating habits. Sleep is important. Follow a meal plan. Someone mentioned 1200 calories and that to me is torture. You can eat 2500 calories but not in Cheetos and ice cream. If you need any help hit me up and I’m not selling anything
Don't deprive yourself, eat what you want but not a lot.

Funny a portion of bread will Jack me up twice as bad as a candy bar.

I've been over 300 a few times, I'm down to 188 now, wife just got me some 36" blue jeans.


Try intermitent fasting: Eat only between 11 am and 6 pm, nothing outside of those hours.

Eat a well balanced diet with modest servings.

I lost 30 lbs on this diet now I've been plateauing at 194, down from 223 with a goal of 170 lbs

Currently 314. Trying to get to 250
I went from 330 to 190 on keto in 16 months. I'm lazy AF, 2 softball games a week was my summer...nothing in winter. I was pre diabetic, gout, athletes foot, digestive issues, cholesterol meds. My issues stayed for about 6 months into keto. Then no issues, ever, since. I was getting gout at least once every 2-3 months and trust me it sucks. My bloodwork was done twice during that time and the numbers were perfect. My doctor was supportive and really said keep going, you're very healthy...NOW, and whatever it is, its working for you. Some of use can handle simple carbs better than others.
I went from 330 to 190 on keto in 16 months. I'm lazy AF, 2 softball games a week was my summer...nothing in winter. I was pre diabetic, gout, athletes foot, digestive issues, cholesterol meds. My issues stayed for about 6 months into keto. Then no issues, ever, since. I was getting gout at least once every 2-3 months and trust me it sucks. My bloodwork was done twice during that time and the numbers were perfect. My doctor was supportive and really said keep going, you're very healthy...NOW, and whatever it is, its working for you. Some of use can handle simple carbs better than others.
I also do fasting and omad 4-5 days a week. And 2 or 3 meals on weekends. This makes it sustainable and you can still enjoy treats, Once in a while
Chicken is my protein of choice.

I actually calculated that I ate 2000-2500 chicken wings (non coated) that joke. It was my "fast food" of choice. Don't get me wrong cause this is mistaken for dirty or lazy keto. That will work for a while but its not healthy long term...eating lazy/dirty that is. I also eat lots of salads and raw veg, even the ones not recommended like potatoes, just a very small amount and include the skin.

Restaurants van be challenging, no doubt as you will see the most common choices will be wings, caesar salad, steak or burger with no bun. Good luck and I wish you the best for what works for you!
Don't deprive yourself, eat what you want but not a lot.

Funny a portion of bread will Jack me up twice as bad as a candy bar.

I've been over 300 a few times, I'm down to 188 now, wife just got me some 36" blue jeans.

Processed white breads and so called whole wheats can have high fructose corn syrup and other crap in them. Try real bread. Real bread is heavy, like a brick.
Eat less and better. Working out converts fat to muscle and u don't lose much weight.
The best fat burner is by default more muscle. You burn 105 calories a day doing nothing at all. This is your resting metabolic rate. If you do a heavy work out working a larger muscle group, let’s say legs you’ll boost your metabolism for a couple hours after your workout. Thus burning more calories and losing More weight. But what do I know I’m just an ISSA master trainer who lost 50 lbs himself.
The best fat burner is by default more muscle. You burn 105 calories a day doing nothing at all. This is your resting metabolic rate. If you do a heavy work out working a larger muscle group, let’s say legs you’ll boost your metabolism for a couple hours after your workout. Thus burning more calories and losing More weight. But what do I know I’m just an ISSA master trainer who lost 50 lbs himself.
Lololol. So your a doctor??????

I'm pretty sure this thread is dead but u can keep trying to advertise yourself.

Did u read about his health concerns either???

Your a trainer, good for you.... Try not to send anyone to the ER