• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Scary Stuff...


Well-Known Member
It's common Dave, you should know the drill by know. Confront sheeple with facts and they put a pillow over their head and start throwing those insults.. truth be damned.. facts don't matter anymore, it's whatever politicians SAY during their CAMPAIGN that matters- they would never lie..

This plus the 'Obama truth squad' Orwellian campaigners we've seen this election makes me more than nervous.. people were actually JAILED this campaign season for speaking out against Obama..


Well-Known Member
It's common Dave, you should know the drill by know. Confront sheeple with facts and they put a pillow over their head and start throwing those insults.. truth be damned.. facts don't matter anymore,
As far as education, Obama is all for more government indoctrination, along with mandatory military service after high school.
Please show me where he said mandatory military service?................................and your prob going to say do your own research, and I have done my research and I have found nothing about mandatory military service, so show me where you got your information from.
Uh oh.. I insulted the MESSIAH.. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK... lol.. I don't care to think for other people- he can look up my claims himself, as can you- though I can see you won't- Obama surely has said things to the effect that I stated. Sorry if you refuse to see it.
When you make a claim your supposed to back it up with some kinda source or something. What you do is not very clever, You just make shit up and when someone asks you where you got your information, you get all up in arms saying they can do there own research bla blah bla. There is a reason
you can't source your claims. They aren't true because you made them up

truth be damned.. facts don't matter anymore


Well-Known Member
When you make a claim your supposed to back it up with some kinda source or something. What you do is not very clever, You just make shit up and when someone asks you where you got your information, you get all up in arms saying they can do there own research bla blah bla. There is a reason
you can't source your claims. They aren't true because you made them up
wheres your source to back up your claim of this being bullshit.:lol:


Active Member
I can't believe nobody has put forth any knowledge on the subject of this thread. Honestly, my friends, you have got to do more research. Stop watching the regular news and get unfiltered news. Once you understand that the top 4 major media corporations are owned by one of the most elite men on the planet. Everybody here is looking in the wrong places for their information. You're looking where they want you to find what they have to offer.
Listen, obama is handled by the top elites. He does what they say and will carry out their plan. No this is not conspiracy theory or crazy talk. This is real and those of you who take heed will be wise. Look at who is behind the scenes. Look at what meetings took place months ago. Remember the last bilderberg meeting? Remember when clinton and obama supposedly had a dinner together...at the same time the bilderberg meeting was taking place? Nobody and I mean nobody becomes president without going to their meetings. mccain's dumb ass wasn't there. Therefore you knew who was to become the next president. This is a modern day jfk. He's good. Real good. Sometimes I have to catch myself from getting caught up. I am soooo glad someone caught onto this.
Now... what is happening and why we should fear.
1. The economy is done. If you think it's going to bounce back, dude you're smoking waaaaay too much.
2. Realize NOW that if our nations main source of money is the fed and they attach interest to every dollar they loan out... it's not rocket science.
3. No other country is going to buy our debt anymore, we've fucked up with too many people and have become the world bully.
4.In order to get people back into supporting and believing our government they need to have a leader who is for the people appointed by the people. Correct?
5. If we agree and this so called leader starts talk of employing a national civilian security force to combat terrorists, we'll agree, no? Hey, it's for the security of our nation.
6. Buy your guns now along with at least 5 cases of ammo per weapon. Or, learn to get accurate with a crossbow.
7. Why do you think powell and biden warned of him being tested with a national crisis? This is fair warning people.
8. Everything is right in front of you. Wake up and look.
9. Our whole nation has gone privatized. This is not what America was built on. This is why Jackson tried to overthrow the central bank and adopt the greenback. When private interests control the money (the fed is a privately owned company for those who didn't know) their only concern is for profit, not the good of the people.
10. We are about to go into a martial law type situation. Yah, yah you can say what you want but your argument just got trumped. 3billion to blackwater to take over dea raids, 3rd infantry division deployed back home to patrol streets. I served in the military and know what's going on. I very fine sources and they're very worried right now.
11. Bringing a civilian force to help government. C'mon, do I really have to say anymore? What are these people? Snitches.

I did notice in the post something about mandatory military service. I don't know about that but I do know that if you want your free college, join the military or the civilian force. Friends, please realize these people don't have your concerns on their minds when they go to bed at night. If you're familiar with the Gaia principle you'll get the jist. They don't look at society as individuals, they look at them as a group and break that down into sub groups. Now, put this whole group together and cause a reaction. You don't need to tell the whole group. Just enough to get the motion started and soon it all falls in line. If you don't think our government has been studying social engineering for decades than you are a complete fool. What do you think planned parenthood is? CPS? Social Services? Not only that but they have hired masters in psychological manipulation to help aid in the support of the most opposed wars (why do you think women started smoking so much in the 50's, why do you think we supported united fruit's involvement in overthrowing the government, why do you think we all looked at middle easterners as terrorists right after 9/11, why do you think we all think a terrorists could be anywhere here in the us?) Watch century of self (documentary) and look at how our government works. It's not how you think. You are the least of their concerns, they want you in line... apply for credit, go to work, get more credit or loans, go to work. Work for them, the people who won't even let you earn a wage tax free and who attach interest to every penny that is in circulation. That's slavery my friends. We should be working for principle, not principle plus interest. Now I love my country. I think we're at a major crossroads right now. Our country is going to see things it has never imagined before. We have gotten so far into debt and caused such a world uproar that our cover is being blown wide open. Countries have realized that the fed is a scam. Look at Venezula's reaction to us publicly at un meetings. You see other leaders agreeing and laughing. You may think we're the most powerful country in the world, but you are sadly mistaken. When a country's debt overrides it's reserves and has pretty much bullied everyone else to not do business with us, we run out of money, like what is happening now. When you run out you can't buy new equipment, you can't hire tech's, you can't hire scientists, you can't protect your country. If you think I'm wrong, ask any person in the military that was actually in battle and ask them how long they had to wait for new equipment (protective). Ask them about the Strykers. These are men and women who are putting their life on the line and because of private interests and gains don't even register on the elite's radar. Somewhere in the chain of command is was denied, or wasn't in the budget, or is delayed or is on backorder. We are about to go into a major changing moment of America as we know it. Go look up Security and Prosperity Partnership and see why nothing has ever been done to the borders. Look at our wonderful president's grandfather and see who he financed. Everything is out there. You just have to want to find it. I can give you tons of resources but seriously, I don't do my research for you, I do it for myself and it hours upon hours to make sure I am getting real intelligent resources. Not racist programs like fox news, or biased channels like cnn. If you want to find out what's going on in Iraq, get the news from Iraq. Doesn't that make the most sense. If someone beat up his girlfriend do you think he's going to scream it out loud? No, he'll filter his story and tell you his side. He'll tell you what he wants you to hear. That's exactly how our news works. The only free resource you have right now is the internet and that's about to be taken away with web 2.0.

Anyhow, friends, I hope people wake up. It's dire now. Time is running short. Teach yourself to love to learn. Knowledge is power.


Well-Known Member
maybe this is just what we need, to have our freedoms curtailed to the breaking point. surround us with a myriad of nonsensical regulations designed strictly to control, restrict our access to the tools of self-protection, force neighbor to spy on neighbor merely to protect themselves, allow government access to every facet of our lives. all in the name of peace and fairness. we are essentially being told we have too much freedom and can't be trusted with it and the very organizations that once advocated power to the people have been duped into supporting totalitarianism in the guise of equality. we have been naive to think that our votes have made a difference or that our voices are even heard above the din of those who are laboring to construct this new great society.


Well-Known Member

We will see... though that's damn disturbing.

Obama Youth
National/State Security Force (SS, anyone?)

I wonder where he's hidden his equivalent of the Sturm Abteilung (SA)... maybe that's ACORN... though I'd say ACORN is more like the KGB with their "political discussions" with businesses to force them to operate how the "state" wants them to operate.

Damn, disturbing.

And regardless of the original context of that clip, there is no possible way to make that kind of comment friendly.

One can only wonder how long it will be before we are required to say, "Heil Obama" unless we want to have our bones broken, or end up thrown in jail for sedition.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm......Were about to get 1 black president and all of a sudden the world is coming to an end? Would people's feelings be the same if McCain was gonna win? Can't blacks have anything without whites getting all bent out of shape. Look at all the ignorant comments people have made at McCain & Palin rally's, "Obama's a Muslim" No he is not a Muslim, he is actually a Christian. He's also 1/2 White & 1/2 Black. I'm just saying, use common sense people. This shit is not Rocket Science.


Well-Known Member
The man who is poised to take the November election calling for a "civilian national security" force.

Wow...What's he mean? He wants to create a paramilitary organization comprised of civilians whose responsibility is to keep an eye out for seditious/treasonous activities and report them? 1934 Germany anyone? This is too Orwellian for my taste.
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
YouTube - Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO

Twas taken out of context Dave... I fear whoever gave you the link to that clip was pulling everyone's string on that. The sound bite that the youtube clip you posted occurs around 16:30 in the above.


Well-Known Member
The man who is poised to take the November election calling for a "civilian national security" force.

Wow...What's he mean? He wants to create a paramilitary organization comprised of civilians whose responsibility is to keep an eye out for seditious/treasonous activities and report them? 1934 Germany anyone? This is too Orwellian for my taste.
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
ha ha nice soundbite, so i took the time to verify your claim and it didn't take long to find out that it was bogus, Dave you should have known from a 20 sec soundbite maybe this was taken out of context go to 16:30 of this video YouTube - Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO and see for yourself that he is talking about voluntary foreign service such as the peace corps to advance american diplomacy


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm......Were about to get 1 black president and all of a sudden the world is coming to an end? Would people's feelings be the same if McCain was gonna win? Can't blacks have anything without whites getting all bent out of shape. Look at all the ignorant comments people have made at McCain & Palin rally's, "Obama's a Muslim" No he is not a Muslim, he is actually a Christian. He's also 1/2 White & 1/2 Black. I'm just saying, use common sense people. This shit is not Rocket Science.
i find the racist sentiment inherent in your post quite amusing, considering its outward message. the very fact that a country who's political life has been dominated by white males would even consider a non-white for its highest elected office should be a point of pride for the electorate in general. instead you have managed to couch opposition to his election in the basest possible terms. his skin color may be the only positive note in an obama presidency. we might finally be able to set aside the myths of rampant racism and begin to understand that so much of the bigotry in this country is caused by our leaders, of every color, who fully understand that they can play us off against each other to further their own quest for power. aside from the usual ignorant idiots, the only ones who have brought race into these campaigns have been obama supporters in blatant efforts to deflect interest from his decidedly socialistic agenda and to camouflage his missteps.


Well-Known Member
Oh I saw the entire speech. I know all about his desire for the other programs. I still don't see how it could be construed as out of context. He said what he said...a desire for a civilian security force dedicated to national security obligations. He wants this organization every bit as powerful as the military. I don't see how that can be taken out of context other than how he said it...a national security agency, as powerful as the military, dedicated to national security issues.

Honestly, it doesn't matter since I've known for some time that he's got the election sewn up. I suppose we'll find out, yes?


Well-Known Member
lol still cant admit you were wrong :roll:
Not at all...But seeing how articulate and intelligent the man is, if his intent was the creation of a civilian organization whose charter is to open and maintain channels of diplomacy, would he have not said so? I conceded that I heard all the other stuff regarding expansion of slots available for volunteer services but that's not the point I'm trying to make here. I'm also not arguing the other services that he will endeavor to create. I have no problem w/ Peace Corp or Americorp in the slightest. In addition to all the "feel good" stuff, he slipped in the desire to create a civilian SECURITY agency dedicated to NATIONAL SECURITY. Perhaps your definition of national security differs from mine, but in my book it often employs intelligence services and information gathering and that is my fear. His campaign has not clarified, at least according to my research, what he meant by that. This is not me being partisan. If Mccain was to have said the same thing, I would've questioned him as well. I won't be voting for either of those men.