How does destroying the property of innocent people fix systemic problems of governmental abuse ?

So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?

It doesn’t accomplish anything, and it never will. Violence begets violence. I’m not going to defend the acts of violence due to anger, or for any other reason, but I do understand how things can escalate and spiral out of control when tempers and emotion are sky high. Historically, protest have been known to open the door to looting and free merchandise, and I highly doubt this is, or has ever been the main objective to protesting. There will always be a bad apple in the bunch, and we all know what effect that bad apple has. It becomes a snowball effect, and eventually trickles down and hits everything in its path. If protest didn’t have a history of violence, you wouldn’t see police forces on the street. When Dr Martin Luther King held his march, it was peaceful, and had just as much meaning then as it did now for George Floyd. But those were different times, when racism was at an all time high. Some would argue that racism is still the same today, and they are free to form their opinion, and not be wrong for it. But we have become desensitized to racism. Just as we have become desensitized to War. It’s not until we address the root problem, and not just what appears on the surface, that we can encourage true change. It’s easy to put a bandaid on a cut, but if stitches aren’t used to close the wound, it will never heal correctly. Unfortunately, America is running out of bandaids.
That makes sense.

What do you think is the root problem and how would you address it ?

I’m only 39 years old, the root problem existed before I was even thought of. As much as I would love to spew out an answer, unfortunately I don’t have one. But racism is a mind set. We are not hard wired to hate. It is traditionally passed down over generations. We don’t have control over what people think and feel. That’s why America is America, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression. Taking away these freedoms may curve the problem, but America wouldn’t be America anymore if we did that.
I’m only 39 years old, the root problem existed before I was even thought of. As much as I would love to spew out an answer, unfortunately I don’t have one. But racism is a mind set. We are not hard wired to hate. It is traditionally passed down over generations. We don’t have control over what people think and feel. That’s why America is America, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression. Taking away these freedoms may curve the problem, but America wouldn’t be America anymore if we did that.
I was curious how you would answer when Bob posed his question to you as I was going to do the same.

So you say things can’t change until we address the root of the problem. But you don’t know what the root of the problem is.

Thanks for wasting my time :cool:
I was curious how you would answer when Bob posed his question to you as I was going to do the same.

So you say things can’t change until we address the root of the problem. But you don’t know what the root of the problem is.

Thanks for wasting my time :cool:

At no point in my comment did I mention that I had all of the answers. Nor am I the saving grace to an issue that existed before me. You know, as well as I do, that NO problem is solved by only working on the surface of the problem. The issues we face in America when it comes to racism isn’t just skin deep, it’s oppression, negativity, closed mindedness, unwilling to change, incapable of loving others as you love yourself, and the list goes on. You have just as many answers as I do, and our government isn’t stupid, they are fully aware of the problem. But they are not in a position to force someone to think and feel the way they want them to, otherwise we need to come up with a new name for America, because that’s not what America stands for. And maybe, just maybe, that’s the root of the problem.... Sorry if I wasted your time.
At no point in my comment did I mention that I had all of the answers. Nor am I the saving grace to an issue that existed before me. You know, as well as I do, that NO problem is solved by only working on the surface of the problem. The issues we face in America when it comes to racism isn’t just skin deep, it’s oppression, negativity, closed mindedness, unwilling to change, incapable of loving others as you love yourself, and the list goes on. You have just as many answers as I do, and our government isn’t stupid, they are fully aware of the problem. But they are not in a position to force someone to think and feel the way they want them to, otherwise we need to come up with a new name for America, because that’s not what America stands for. And maybe, just maybe, that’s the root of the problem.... Sorry if I wasted your time.
It looks like you have lots of opinions. I was curious why you would punt on this particular point.

I don’t expect you to give the answers, just your opinion or what’s the point?