

Well-Known Member
I have pulled as little as 2 oz and as much as 8 oz out of my 2x2.
Just start growing and see what you can get out of there.


Active Member
Finishing my first grow on a photoperiod very soon, wanted to try a slower plant first time. Now I feel like I'm ready for quicker harvests.

My end goal (after years of experience) is 18oz every harvest.

I plan on doing LST and eventually SCROG.

I don't want to bore you with atmosphere logistics, let's just say I'm following the "norm".

My setup:

- 3x3x6' tent
- Four autos
- Two 17 Gal totes painted white
- 65Gal of rainwater (soon to be RO water)
- Kingbrite HLG 240H
- Cloudline T6 exhaust
- 6" Passive intake filter (leak proof)
- Oscillating fan
- Advanced nutrients trio
- B1 Foliar
- Cal-Mag
- Hydroponics wi-fi kit

Everything is manageable. My exhaust fan will keep temp/humidity at bay considering it's automated.

The hydroponics kit sends pH, EC, res temps to my phone, even away from home. It also has dosing pumps that I'm programming to activate at 6.2 dosing to 5.8, this will still give room for sways but keep it in check. I'm working on a way to have an emergency notification on my phone if pH drops too high/low. I also have hand-held pH and PPM readers for backup.

Obviously genetics will play a huge role, I plan on ordering from reliable sources (Mephisto, FB, etc...) and I'll be trying different nute lines over time... Also going to upgrade to timbergrowlights 4VS when I feel the time is right, but I digress.

Electronics won't make me a good grower just looking for an estimate because I'm new and and anxious lol
I’m going with a 3x3 as well, and obviously it depends on if it’s a sativa or indica since one grows much taller and different than the other. From what I’ve read from everything I can find to what people have been saying, 18 oz sounds about right at maximum.


Well-Known Member
I just pulled 11oz out of two clones in 5 gallon pots in my 3x3. Probably could have yielded more if I waited before the chop, but had other ladies vegging that needed to be flipped ASAP.