Help a stoner, tryna catch a budder high!

Hey guys HighLee here and I need some help with my budder recipes! I’ve been here many times before within the past year and a half and I still have yet to find a recipe that will knock my ass down.
Long story short, two years ago I had a brownie that had me high for about 14 hours, and I’m trying to chase that feeling!

Also being in the state of HI it’s a bit difficult to obtain ingredients. My most recent batch of butter was 3oz of a low grade train wreck infused into about 9sticks(2 per oz/1 to make up for loss when clarifying) I’m opposed to using top grades for edibles as to me, they’re worth smoking instead of eating.

With that said, I’m about to get my hands on some B grades. Of all the ways, I find the instant pot method works best for me. Plus it helps minimize the smell since everyone’s home with this quarantine.

i decarb by batches
1 oz per batch
Set to pressure cook, high 30 mins

same thing with the infusing process
1 oz per batch/2 sticks butter melted and clarified
Infusion time 2-2 1/2 hours

The most I’ll get is probably a slight buzz. For those heavy smokers, it’s those strains that feel like a “light high” or a “diet bud” the high is there but it just feels so minimal. And by that I mean I only feel it in my eyes haha weird to say but it’s true. I want my whole body to feel it.

Anything would help guys! Please and thank you!
Stay safe, wash your hands!

Puff Puff,
Insta pots and pressure cookers can get too hot and you generally need a little longer time in the mix to really suck out the thc. Try using a slow cooker and add a little water to buffer the temp and let it go a couple hours.
I have the same problem with my tolerance. The cookies I make end up 70-75 mg each which knocks me on my ass after about an hour of come up

hope this helps!
Insta pots and pressure cookers can get too hot and you generally need a little longer time in the mix to really suck out the thc. Try using a slow cooker and add a little water to buffer the temp and let it go a couple hours.
I have the same problem with my tolerance. The cookies I make end up 70-75 mg each which knocks me on my ass after about an hour of come up

hope this helps!

Thank you for replying my good sir! Also noticed you were a chef as well, any tips as to preparing the edibles? Like with the budder/canna oil do you pour it all in one go and then mix the batter or do you gradually add it in as you mix? Is there even a difference as to how you mix? Sorry with the questions lol

Back to the topic, slow cooker.
You just throw everything in that bad boy and let it sit, while stirring here and there? What’s a good amount of time for the infusion? As for the adding water is that 1:1 with the butter? Again sorry with the questions lol it’s just different reading other posts than having someone actually replying.
And finding out the THC/mg as whole, how in the world do you do that
No problem my guy! And without questions being asked we might all still be monkeys!
As far as preparation its pretty normal. If it isn't mixed enough you might have one cookie stronger than the other but it isn't that big of deal.
Yep grind it real fine to increase surface area and toss it in. Another thing to check out is using soy lecithin in your budders because it increases the bio-availability of the cannabinoids in your body.
I usually go about 6+ hours sometimes overnight if I'm lazy. I would consider that the minimum for me.
And yeah I try to keep a 1:1 ratio of water to butter.

As far as the mg calculations I live in a state where everything sold has the THC % is on the label. When you have that number you can easily calculate what your final milligram is going to be close to. Let's say I have an oz that is 20% THC that means that per gram is 200mg of THC. I use this number to calculate the amount per batch. A 1/2 oz at 20% would have roughly 2000mg in it. When you make the butter you will never get a 100% transfer out. I don't care what anyone says you will always lose some. I conservatively put this at 10% loss. You can generally pull 90% + easily. That leaves me at 2520mg left in my butter. From there just divide by your batch amounts and serving size and boom.

Some people don't use water and that is fine but I highly recommend it. First because H2O is a solvent and helps break down the plant matter and really helps in the separation process. Second it provides a temperature buffer and makes it damn near impossible to burn. Third when you chill the budder the oils will float and leave any unwanted residue/ leftover plant matter to sink and be held in the water.
No problem my guy! And without questions being asked we might all still be monkeys!
As far as preparation its pretty normal. If it isn't mixed enough you might have one cookie stronger than the other but it isn't that big of deal.
Yep grind it real fine to increase surface area and toss it in. Another thing to check out is using soy lecithin in your budders because it increases the bio-availability of the cannabinoids in your body.
I usually go about 6+ hours sometimes overnight if I'm lazy. I would consider that the minimum for me.
And yeah I try to keep a 1:1 ratio of water to butter.

As far as the mg calculations I live in a state where everything sold has the THC % is on the label. When you have that number you can easily calculate what your final milligram is going to be close to. Let's say I have an oz that is 20% THC that means that per gram is 200mg of THC. I use this number to calculate the amount per batch. A 1/2 oz at 20% would have roughly 2000mg in it. When you make the butter you will never get a 100% transfer out. I don't care what anyone says you will always lose some. I conservatively put this at 10% loss. You can generally pull 90% + easily. That leaves me at 2520mg left in my butter. From there just divide by your batch amounts and serving size and boom.

Some people don't use water and that is fine but I highly recommend it. First because H2O is a solvent and helps break down the plant matter and really helps in the separation process. Second it provides a temperature buffer and makes it damn near impossible to burn. Third when you chill the budder the oils will float and leave any unwanted residue/ leftover plant matter to sink and be held in the water.
My man, thank you so much! 6+ you say, I might try it for 10 hours. Noted on the rest, can’t wait till Friday!
Would wrapping the grounded buds in cheesecloth prior to putting them in the crockpot affect the potency as to leaving it freely floating around?

Dude those labels are convenient as hell wtf. It’s kinda strict here where I’m at with weed so I try to guesstimate the potency of my batches with little nug samples. Then again it does hit different when you eat it, also feel like my method that I thought worked lol didn’t really work. Other people said they felt it, but I guess it really is just my tolerance.

Also another thing, decarbing? My sister would beat the crap out of me and then kick me out for using the oven. I’ve tried the toaster oven which was a no because mines is almost 15 years in, I mean it works it doesn’t regulate the temperature that the knob is set at it and I didn’t get a thermometer YET. My TOven was set to 240 at 30 mins and they turned out looking like potting soil(or well somewhere along those lines of color), for that batch it did nothing to me whatsoever. The instant pot worked, my “decarbing” came out a lot better than the toaster oven. The buds that time looked more like ABV than soil, and with the given results on my initial post, just a buzz. I came across a post of decarbing in a jar in an oven? Was actually gonna try that but I would have to monitor it during the process and probably give the jar a few shakes. I’m just scared of the jar popping in the oven.
Thats kind of the reason I dont use jars lol you could also use a dehydrator for decarb but it will take longer. find a friend who will let you use their oven for an edible or two on the back end!

I also dont use cheesecloth like a sachet I just let it float around and then strain it through cheesecloth after
If your weed goes more than slightly golden brown chances are you killed the thc as well.

Antother important note! dont keep your slow cooker on high the whole time!
The smell really doesn't hang in the oven, especially if you cover the ground bud in parchment paper. I fold all the sides in so it creates more of a large envelope for the bud. I also highly recommend getting some butter stick molds. Amazon sells the "Magical Butter" brand silicone molds and they work great. I usually make 6lbs at a time, then put all the sticks in the freezer, and they last me a long time. Here's some of the sticks I made in October.
The smell really doesn't hang in the oven, especially if you cover the ground bud in parchment paper. I fold all the sides in so it creates more of a large envelope for the bud. I also highly recommend getting some butter stick molds. Amazon sells the "Magical Butter" brand silicone molds and they work great. I usually make 6lbs at a time, then put all the sticks in the freezer, and they last me a long time. Here's some of the sticks I made in October.
do you use a mold for these?
do you use a mold for these?
Yes, I use these, but I just checked Amazon (and their website) and it looks like they are discontinued. They do have a new mold on their website, though. Mine don't have the "Magical Butter" text on the sticks, though, because they changed them so each pat had a "21+" logo on them.

Due to my terrible time management and poor decision making, I ended up pushing this a day back, or well about 16 hours. But I’m infusing it right now, it is 10:02am. I started the infusion at 5:15am. About two more hours and we will have final product and then testing for dosage.

SIDENOTE: I did fall asleep! Damn it! Well I mean I fell asleep for about two hours. Meaning I forgot to mix and add any more water within the first 2-3 hours. Will I be okay? I did add about a cup of water more. I do hope I didn’t mess it up
as long as there is water in there your good!
Thank you my good sir! Little more than an hour left, putting it at the 6 hour minimum mark, and we will see. Decarb is the oven went fine lol, the smell somewhat stained the inside but overall it didn’t go as bad as I thought.