
Active Member
my nodes are so close together its silly.... they staying so small and just growing new bud sites all the time but not growing tall... i need them to grow taller so I can get them ready to flip i have grown for years but never seen so many bud sites on a plant it must be the lights I'm using surley.

I have 2 2000w led lights one is mars hydro and the other is just a light that has all samsung chips and 2 mean well drivers they very powerful im thinking of dimming the lights maybe to get some stretch any ideas anyone ill send some pics now...

There is a plant in there that has been struggling i have re potted her thats why she drooping she stressed so i no her problem she was in to small of a pot hopefully I have solved this problem bug again any ideas or tips would be much appreciated thanks in advance guys and girls


Active Member
Top it so the branches start growing out.
I have already topped them m8 thats why there are so many heads just need them to grow tall now but its just growing more sites that are shadowing all the others so I'm constantly removing fan leaves to open up the plant in the middle to get the inside bud site to grow UP if you look at the nodes they so close together its crazy i think i need to dim the lights get them to stretch...


Well-Known Member
I have already topped them m8 thats why there are so many heads just need them to grow tall now but its just growing more sites that are shadowing all the others so I'm constantly removing fan leaves to open up the plant in the middle to get the inside bud site to grow UP if you look at the nodes they so close together its crazy i think i need to dim the lights get them to stretch...
Pluck the nodes on the inside of the plant close to the stalk and leave most the fan leaves alone.


Well-Known Member
Kind of like this

This is one of mine. See how i stripped everything as the branches grew?

Good healthy plants grow more leaves and bud sites than they will actually be able to use/develop.


Active Member
Yzrwes think I need to trim all the bottoms but its hard to see on the pics but all the bottom branches are actually reaching the tops but it seems its all over crowded at the top way to many leaves im having to literally trim around 20 inside fan leaves per plant a day they growing like crazy dont get me wrong im happy they doing so well its just the plant Is so over crowded at the top and I don't really wanna cut off the tops as they will be bud sites in the long run and I'm hoping I'll have a nice wide canopy with loads of bud sites getting nice big buds. Should I just keep trimming the fan leaves to try And keep it so the light gets down to the bottom of the plant never had a plant grow so well its really hard to see on the pics but all the inside of the plabt is growing like mad


Active Member
Yeah higher lights will encourage stretching. Personally i would rather a plant grow slower and more stout and just remove the extra leaves/nodes. Stretched branches are weaker and not as good at transporting the goods to the buds.
Exactly that's why I don't wanna trim any bud sites I think these are gonna be a good yealder I still have quite alot of head room when I flip them they normally grow half of what they are so think in another week they be ready for flipping i have something called blood vessel thats supposed to stop stretching on flip so if its true what they say they won't grow much when i flip them so dunno if to let them grow for say another 2 to 3 weeks what you think?


Active Member
If i were you i would either start supercroping them or put a trellis net up to spread the branches out.
And I have super cropped them bent the main branches outwards thats why all the inside nodes have grown to now be anoter top its just so over crowded think i should just flip them maybe they will calm down


Well-Known Member
And I have super cropped them bent the main branches outwards thats why all the inside nodes have grown to now be anoter top its just so over crowded think i should just flip them maybe they will calm down
I dont think you understand what supercropping is. I think you are thinking of LST.


Active Member
OK so I have watched that video and I'm gonna lollipop and set a net up i havent got as much head room as that guy has but I'm sure ill manage its just gonna be a struggle to water them lol as I have so many i might even get rid of 2 as I need more room lol I have another tent I can put them in so I might even just keep the one as a mother plant and keep taking cuttings...