Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

Hey Dave why didn't you sign the neg rep you just left me?????
I thought it was the proper thing to do?

Again, hmmmmm.....interesting.

Don't be scared to sign your name...I am sure you can get Seamaiden to beat me up or something....
it's only takes 1 point, I don't have a problem telling Dave that I think he is an idiot right here in the post....

you have alot of rep... it takes as much as you have... but i agree it is pointless since the "rep whoring" started... rep means shit nowdays...
maybe its just his; i believe ive been knocked down more than one point with a neg rep..... not sure, only happened a few times....
Seamaiden only knocked me down 3 points. Then the other 'no named' pussy,VTXDave, knocked me down a whole 1 point....LOL
That will teach me! LOL
Hey Dave why didn't you sign the neg rep you just left me?????
I thought it was the proper thing to do?

Again, hmmmmm.....interesting.

Don't be scared to sign your name...I am sure you can get Seamaiden to beat me up or something....
Who me? I always sign my name. Ask Tips, Med or Chuckbane. I always want someone to know who they got it from. I wouldn't neg rep you after complimenting you on your fortitude for being better than most. You have my word.
wow this is a dangerous thread to post in .i only answered stoney having a bit of fun and i get - reped by an anonymous person who is not game enough to leave there name.
oh well life goes on...:-)

4 whole points as well

so the question is do they have the ba$$s to own up


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It IS dangerous. You could also say something like how you assume that everyone is smart and that they're wearing their Big Person undies and be hit with an infraction, while watching others call you a jerk or a pussy and get hit with nothing. Then, yep, there are all the cowards here who don't have the balls to at least sign their name... or maybe they just forgot. :lol: Bein' potheads and all.

Wikid, I messed up my copy & paste, but I wanted to respond. Now I don't have time to go back and hit everything, but I will reiterate, the ONLY group from which I get this kind of grief for my language and style is this group right here. Not even the big, "dumb" biker guys on my other forums have an issue, hell, they'll ask me straight up, "Translate that for me, please!" And I'm happy to, though I'll admit it's difficult at times. Why IS that? And why am I responsible for how others feel when reading my words, even when my words that aren't directed towards them? Should I worry about it? Nope, can't, I have more important things to worry about than how someone feels when their own vocabulary is limited. I learned at a very tender age that not everyone is going to like me or love me and plenty will detest me, so there's really little point in trying to do anything about it. Nothing about that has changed all these years later.

Politics IS something I'm passionate about, as political machinations ultimately affect us all very deeply, very significantly. This particular issue, removing rights from a group of people, just affects me on a very visceral level that I haven't yet been able to explain to myself, let alone others. It simply is what it is. I have VERY firm beliefs and reasons for my stance, and am happy to explain them as I have been doing since the beginning of this thread. I happen to feel that many of the arguments used against allowing same-sex marriage are the same as those against interracial marriage. Did you know that California was one of the first states to strike down law disallowing interracial marriage?

You asked about the differences between civil unions and marriage, and there is another similar legal contract called domestic partnership. In another thread, one on Prop. 5 if I recall, I had found some articles and information that discussed the legal aspects and differences between marriage and these other types of unions. I Googled "difference civil union vs. marriage" and came up with a few things, unfortunately one of the best (with the best links) has been removed. Here are my Google results (because I've gotta get going, otherwise I'd put up more in here).

Gogrow, I don't think you're stupid. But I also don't use my "big words" to intimidate people. I use them to communicate as effectively as possible, something that's a bit difficult for me. At the risk of getting dinged with another infraction I will reiterate, I assume that everyone else reading my posts is smart AND adult and that if they don't know a word or much on a particular subject they'll do one of two things--look it up themselves or just ask. Ask an honest question and I do my best to give an honest answer. I expect the same in return.

No, what people really don't like, more than my vocabulary (what a lame stack of shit to have a problem with someone about, talk about digging), about me is that I ask pointed questions and make the observations that they don't want to think about. I question everything and everyone in my life, including myself. It's how I learn, I love learning and don't ever want to stop. And, believe it or not, I speak as I was spoken to growing up (this includes some very colorful language, and yes, I've been told I curse like a sailor and need to tone it down and all that, to which I say, Fuck 'em.).

My grandmother once wrote a quote down for me, and I have always found it apt: The limits of my vocabulary define the limits of my world. Maybe not as apt as Youth and Enthusiasm are no Match for Age and Treachery, but apt nonetheless. :lol:
It IS dangerous. You could also say something like how you assume that everyone is smart and that they're wearing their Big Person undies and be hit with an infraction, while watching others call you a jerk or a pussy and get hit with nothing.

I called VTXDave a pussy for not leaving his name when he neg rep me. Who are you to say I didn't get an infraction? Maybe I just took it like a big girl, unlike some others...:roll:
I called VTXDave a pussy for not leaving his name when he neg rep me. Who are you to say I didn't get an infraction? Maybe I just took it like a big girl, unlike some others...:roll:

You know, so far I haven't seen any evidence that Dave would be dishonest... though now that I look at the pic he has as his avatar... makes me kinda wonder, not.

Sunnysideup, perhaps you'd want to ask around instead of accusing, but at a guess I think you are choosing the wrong scapegoat, because Dave doesn't strike me as the kind of immature person that would negative rep some one, because the limits of the comments makes it hard to explain why he would be doing it.
Rep rep rep... heck if you don't get a neg rep every now and again, ur probably boriiiing or a suk up!! Bring on those neg reps!!

I've solved all of your problems (uhh, just concerning gay marriage). SeaMaiden made a lighthearted comment (ill assume it was lighthearted) about changing the words. Language is always intriguing to me so here goes... keepin it real simple.

"I now pronounce you ......

Dick & Jane or..
Dick & Dick or ..
Jane & Jane,

please sign your contract on the way out." Nice and EZ!

OMG don't neg rep me dude!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
Ah don't worry about those negative reps, I get em all the time.

For the most ridiculous posts too, and the little comments they leave don't even make sense. I have an e-thug stalking me with negative rep. I'll get the ol

"ur a pussy ass bitch palin sux"

and I drop down one point, big whoop haha
Ah don't worry about those negative reps, I get em all the time.

For the most ridiculous posts too, and the little comments they leave don't even make sense. I have an e-thug stalking me with negative rep. I'll get the ol

"ur a pussy ass bitch palin sux"

and I drop down one point, big whoop haha

Haha exactly!! :peace:
