Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

To answer the original question in this thread….. No…. I don’t think gay marriage is a big deal.

I believe our forefathers got it right in the Declaration of Independence when they said:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I wonder if they had any clue when they wrote those words just how important they would be to our Country throughout history? Anyhow… I believe we all have those rights … including gay people. I think anyone who tries to stand in the way of 2 gay people of seeking a marital union is infringing on the very rights our forefathers laid out.

On the Florida ballot next Tuesday there is a proposed amendment to our State Constitution called the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment. It seeks to declare marriage as only one man with one woman. I will be voting NO!


I think our forefathers got a lot right, FG. And, thanks to NewGrowth, I'm gonna be studying upon the Articles of Confederation, as well as doing a brush up on my Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta is difficult for the language used, but no more so than Chaucer.
I won't nitpick too much because it is all being said in a positive light. But let me perhaps shed a bit more light upon the Declaration of Independence. A document designed from conception to state a posit to the British Empire. The posit was, "Can you live with this?" The answer although complicated, was eventually no. The authors of that D.I. were talking more about economics than anything else. "Equality under the Law" was what they sought. Not the equality of all men as compared to one another. A common and understandable misconception. How they felt about equality is stipulated later and not exactly in a way that ANY clear headed American would consider today as a guide.

This does not negate the wisdom of our forebears. I just wanted to wield my flashlight a bit there. I am surrounded in darkness, and yet I am calm.

As for Chaucer, hey he's a swinging poet. I find him an enjoyable read, it's so buoyant, I feel like i am floating in a sea of unknown phonics. Wee!

“Seeke out ye goode in everie man, and speke of alle the beste ye can; then wil alle men speke wel of thee and say how kynde of hearte ye bee”

There's one to get through the elections with. :blsmoke:

This does not negate the wisdom of our forebears. I just wanted to wield my flashlight a bit there. I am surrounded in darkness, and yet I am calm.

I don’t know about others here but I don’t need you to shine any flashlight of wisdom on the meaning and intent of the Declaration of Independence…. I’m very well aware of what it is all about. I quoted the line from the Declaration not in reference to taxation without representation or any of the other beefs we had with the King. I quoted it to demonstrate one of the many things I think about whenever I’m casting a vote that has the potential to trample on the rights of my fellow citizens.

When I cast my NO vote on the State Amendment I’m telling my State government that I think they have no business wielding their power to restrict these basic rights of the gay citizens of this Country. :peace:[FONT=&quot]
I'm going to address two things separately, and out of order since I have more to say about one than the other.

So, Wikid, what do you have to say about those who attack spelling, speech and grammar from the other side? Like I read from someone in the past week or so, "don't be using that 'proper english' on me and shit". :lol:

I have never seen anyone attack anyone else for using proper speech or grammar. I know I have no problem with it. Your words are not too big for me to understand :grin:

Ok, so, Wikid, you want to know if you're one of the crowd who drops trou, eh? For me to make a declarative statement as to whether or not I include you in the mix, I would have to go through all your posts. I have not been, and am not going to do that. Ultimately, though, you're really the best one to answer that question. Does getting "along well with everyone" equate to taking it up the ass from someone when they decide to dish out meanness, insults, and condescending? You tell me.

You may not realize this, either, Wikid, but Dave went after fdd in exactly the same manner fdd has been going after me, him, and anyone else he has a problem with or however his mood strikes him. Now that I think about it, maybe you are one of the crowd, if you can't or won't see things as they are and can't be fair in your criticism.

I want to know WHO you meant when you said THIS:

What you're accustomed to is everyone around here dropping their pants to take yours up their collective asses.

You made that statement, so back it up. Give us some examples. Tell us who you were talking about.

I asked if you meant me because when you say "everyone" that includes ME, and I would have a problem with that.

"For me to make a declarative statement as to whether or not I include you in the mix, I would have to go through all your posts. I have not been, and am not going to do that."

I gather from that statement that you did NOT mean me when you originally said it, so now I ask, who DID you mean?
Yep, I've got some catching up to do on this thread, so I'll probably miss some posts. But, since I'm seeing this from Sunnyside, I'd like to address that directly as well. I'm sorry you "feel stupid" because of my posts. But, it's not my problem! See, I post here exactly the same way I speak to people in the real world. My assumption is that everyone else can read and understand what I'm saying, so my choice is to NOT dumb things down for people. I assume that you ARE smart enough, and that if you don't know something that you've got your Big Girl/Big Boy undies on and have the wherewithal to ask or look it up. I could dumb things down, and would, if I thought I were addressing a group of children. But in my experience, those who say that my manner of speech makes them feel dumb or stupid or inferior usually have their own hang-ups to get past. Those hang-ups are yours, and therefore are not my problem. I will not dumb it down. How about all those who have a problem with how I express myself do what I do for you? Let me be me, as I let you be you.
You don't make me feel stupid, you make me laugh. When someone doesn't agree with your point, you will retaliate with words that you believe make yourself look superior...I find it aggravating at best....You do this not only in the political thread but our friendly toke and talk thread as well....My observations of your posts are that of a woman that has a superiority complex...not an intelligent woman trying to help others better understand what is going on in the world of politics, or whatever the matter may be. Your points in all your posts are to try to show off your extended vocabulary, nothing more. You do realize this isn't a sign of intelligence but a sign of a person who desperately needs to be respected by others, obviously because the person cannot receive that same respect in the real world.
Even with your extensive vocabulary, when you put all your words together it never presents a valid solution, just a sophisticated insult.

SeamaidenYou don't make me feel stupid, you make me laugh. When someone doesn't agree with your point, you will retaliate with words that you believe make yourself look superior...I find it aggravating at best....You do this not only in the political thread but our friendly toke and talk thread as well....My observations of your posts are that of a woman that has a superiority complex...not an intelligent woman trying to help others better understand what is going on in the world of politics, or whatever the matter may be. Your points in all your posts are to try to show off your extended vocabulary, nothing more. You do realize this isn't a sign of intelligence but a sign of a person who desperately needs to be respected by others, obviously because the person cannot receive that same respect in the real world.
Even with your extensive vocabulary, when you put all your words together it never presents a valid solution, just a sophisticated insult.

Uber well put.:blsmoke:
SeamaidenYou don't make me feel stupid, you make me laugh. When someone doesn't agree with your point, you will retaliate with words that you believe make yourself look superior...I find it aggravating at best....You do this not only in the political thread but our friendly toke and talk thread as well....My observations of your posts are that of a woman that has a superiority complex...not an intelligent woman trying to help others better understand what is going on in the world of politics, or whatever the matter may be. Your points in all your posts are to try to show off your extended vocabulary, nothing more. You do realize this isn't a sign of intelligence but a sign of a person who desperately needs to be respected by others, obviously because the person cannot receive that same respect in the real world.
Even with your extensive vocabulary, when you put all your words together it never presents a valid solution, just a sophisticated insult.
Mind explaining to me what's so insulting about that sentence you just edited for me, fdd?
Again, it's a rather fine point, so maybe I'm missing it. What was it that is so insulting about saying that I not only assume that others have intelligence, but are also adults? Is that an insult? I feel I'm being targeted simply for not accepting rudeness from a moderator.
...not an intelligent woman trying to help others better understand what is going on in the world of politics
Why should she? Look at the crowd around here that she has to deal with...:lol:

Your points in all your posts are to try to show off your extended vocabulary, nothing more.
She speaks this way in real life to me, and others, as well. Educated people speak well and have an excellent command of the English language...Uneducated people on the other hand do not.

Even with your extensive vocabulary, when you put all your words together it never presents a valid solution, just a sophisticated insult.
Wrong again...That's my venue, not hers. :lol:
You made that statement, so back it up. Give us some examples. Tell us who you were talking about.
Anyone and everyone who cheers on a moderator who's being rude, but especially when it's coming from staff towards an "ordinary" member . Unfortunately for us both, the search function is currently completely and totally kludged. One less recent example was in a thread, the one about the medical card I believe, where fdd had just been incredibly rude and condescending towards me, insulting actually, and next thing I saw was someone posting, "fdd, your the man I want to be [sic]!" And now we have the mob mentality at work right here.
I asked if you meant me because when you say "everyone" that includes ME, and I would have a problem with that.
Of course you would. That was a rather blanketing term to use in that statement, something I try not to do, but at the time felt that I was alone. Rather as I do now (Dave's presence notwithstanding).
"For me to make a declarative statement as to whether or not I include you in the mix, I would have to go through all your posts. I have not been, and am not going to do that."

I gather from that statement that you did NOT mean me when you originally said it, so now I ask, who DID you mean?
See above. Who's cheering him? If I could find the threads I would give exact quotes, which might possibly lead to him giving me another infraction "for insulting other member(s)", like the one I got for my "insult" to Sunnyside.
SeamaidenYou don't make me feel stupid, you make me laugh. When someone doesn't agree with your point, you will retaliate with words that you believe make yourself look superior...I find it aggravating at best....
How do you know what I feel or believe, except that which I state is what I feel or believe? You're the one who says that my words make you feel stupid, not I. I actually never thought anything other than good of you, Sunny, thought we got along great. I know better now, I know that you just don't like my words. Here's a suggestion, use the Ignore feature and you'll have to read not another one (exceptin' when someone else quotes me).
You do this not only in the political thread but our friendly toke and talk thread as well....
What the hell did I do there? What thread? If I understand you correctly, you're saying that you don't care for my manner of speech. What the fuck? Would you do this to someone who had an opposite issue?
My observations of your posts are that of a woman that has a superiority complex...not an intelligent woman trying to help others better understand what is going on in the world of politics, or whatever the matter may be.
Then maybe some reading comprehension is lacking. I do my best to offer up factual information, and with specific regard to politics, bring that information into play when I am explaining my own stance on things.
Your points in all your posts are to try to show off your extended vocabulary, nothing more.
Again, if you fail to understand what's being written, the fault is not automatically with the author.
You do realize this isn't a sign of intelligence but a sign of a person who desperately needs to be respected by others, obviously because the person cannot receive that same respect in the real world.
Ah, alright. What else?
Even with your extensive vocabulary, when you put all your words together it never presents a valid solution, just a sophisticated insult.
Funny, but I only encounter this sentiment here, on this site. Nowhere else in my life, with the exception of school, grades K-12, have I encountered a group of people who are so intimidated by someone who speaks... as I do. I will not "dumb it down" for you. You'll just have to try to keep up.

And a solution to what..? Wait a minute, since when am I required to offer up solutions all the time to political debates?

If you were really good at psychoanalyzation, you would have picked up on a whole lot more than how I make you feel. ;)

To all you people who are "band-wagoning", you're looking a bit like a pack of rabid dogs here. Little tolerance for the other end of the spectrum. Sure, you can make allowances for someone who's lacking in their vocabulary and usage of words, but get a chance to jump MY train for the opposite, whooee boy! It's more fun than a hayride, ain't it? :lol:
How come it's not just as offensive and insulting to go at someone from the other angle?
Anyone and everyone who cheers on a moderator who's being rude, but especially when it's coming from staff towards an "ordinary" member . Unfortunately for us both, the search function is currently completely and totally kludged. One less recent example was in a thread, the one about the medical card I believe, where fdd had just been incredibly rude and condescending towards me, insulting actually, and next thing I saw was someone posting, "fdd, your the man I want to be [sic]!" And now we have the mob mentality at work right here.

For the record, since I joined RIU, the mods have been nothing but nice to me. Even when they have to mod me for something. I may not see some mods as much as others, but the ones I do see have always treated me fairly.

Now, Seamaiden, you keep saying that you post in the same manner in which you speak every day. If this is true, why have you not always posted like this? I remember when you first joined RIU, not long after I myself became a member. Your posts then were nothing like they are now. Is it just the election that has you so riled up? I used to think you were one of the most laid back chick's here.

"Anyone and everyone who cheers on a moderator who's being rude, but especially when it's coming from staff towards an "ordinary" member"

What if people are cheering on the mod because they themselves have issues with that particular member? Are they still "taking it up the ass" then? This thread is a perfect example.

Sunnysideup posted feelings she was obviously keeping to herself, and once she did, others came in just to say they agreed with her. I have received several reps for my posts here, and I've been PMed by members I didn't even know where reading this thread.

People feel that you and Dave are bullies who gang up on anyone who doesn't agree with you, talk circles around him, then insult him when he's confused.

It appears that you and Dave have managed to rub a lot of people the wrong way. And it's not because you use big words. I understand you perfectly, and if you use a word I don't know, I'll look it up, and my vocabulary will be improved. It's because insults, no matter how flowery the language or well constructed the sentence, are still insults.

So, having pissed a lot of people off with your condescending tones, are you really surprised when people cheer on someone who gives your rudeness right back to you?