Biden, Democrats seek to shut down calls to defund police


Well-Known Member
It's clear that their efforts worked on at least one person, @Padawanbater2

So, prove me wrong. Tell us that you prefer Democrats to Republicans. Or prove me right by saying otherwise.

while all of the attention on white supremacy is being dedicated to alt-right leaders like Steve Bannon and neo-Nazis hailing Trump, people are completely avoiding the fact that yes, the left has to deal with white supremacy, too!


Well-Known Member
I just figured I'd post this up to help others understand what they are dealing with in @Padawanbater2

I wouldn't call it discrimination, but standards are definitely set differently for different races. I feel much more is expected of me because of my skin color than other people. I'm white so that means there are no obstacles other than my own work ethic in my way to success. Same thing with being male.

Imo, economic class is a better indicator of discrimination, race is just a coincidence
There is another where he justifies calling people fa__ots because, well, I can't really say why.
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Well-Known Member
Meanwhile the Senate keeps rubber stamping conservative judges while 400 pieces of legislation are pending and a recession rages amidst a crisis in confidence brings protesters in the cross-hairs of our law and order police who know more about disturbing than keeping the peace.

bbbbbut Pelosi!

oh the humanity!


Well-Known Member
rubber stamping highly unqualified conservative judges.
the two are one and the same.

Kavanaugh was the best they could do for a Supreme Court Judge. The guy never distinguished himself during his education or career but Republicans chose him to occupy a seat in the highest court of the US. I shudder to thing what the judges they pick for lower level positions are like.