Trump and AMERICA for the winThat does it.
I'm voting for Trump.
Trump and AMERICA for the winThat does it.
I'm voting for Trump.
That was killary Clinton lol.You know she's got hot sauce in her purse just in case
Those who scream racism the most are typically the actual racist.The racist Trumpers have crawled out again, wonder why? Something near and dear to them perhaps? They were quiet for so long too...
Bullshit. You are angry that people did not support your views and your candidate and now you want to punish them for it. You pray for a Trump re-election because you will then be able to point your powerless little finger and say "I told you so". You hope that this will finally get people to see how special you are.
I predict that when Trump loses, you will find a way to try and take credit for it.
You are driven only by your own ego and are no asset to any side you align yourself with.
Sorry I don't speak brainwashed . I've seen enough already to know your one of those never Trumper and that's fine, it's your right. My right is to not careRoerdetp sa maps
this whole 40 million unemployed and 6 trillion dollar deficit is greatTrump and AMERICA for the win
Trump said he chose the location for the2016 rncWho is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody's going to believe them." —Clinton on Bill Clinton's bimbo eruptions. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." —Clinton on visiting Bosnia in 1996, contradicting other accounts that said there was no threat of gunfire. Clinton later said she "misspoke"
Trump and AMERICA for the win
Those who scream racism the most are typically the actual racist.
Since my family wasn't in America until well after the civil war I could give 2 fucks about it. Not my circus not my monkeys.how do you feel about treason?
The USA is literally the United States of AMERICA. GUESS SCHOOLS IN CANADA ARE A FAILURE TO.
And Trump has never praised Nazis or bragged about creeping into a child's room
Eat a dick dumbass . And by the way how am I racist asshole? You should stop using words you don't know the meaning of. And your wife was not saying my dick was small last week when we were pounding her ass all night.
Trump is on tape calling covid a hoax, calling neo nazis very fine people, and saying he gets away with walking in on naked minorsGet over yourself fuckstick. The deaths from covid are the fault of the DIMOCRAPS governor's putting infected people in nursing homes . And Trump has never praised Nazis or bragged about creeping into a child's room your obviously mistaking pedophile Joe . Now go away asshole and spek9. The USA is literally the United States of AMERICA. GUESS SCHOOLS IN CANADA ARE A FAILURE TO.
Your dick is tiny. I can tell by how defensive you areEat a dick dumbass . And by the way how am I racist asshole? You should stop using words you don't know the meaning of. And your wife was not saying my dick was small last week when we were pounding her ass all night.
Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody's going to believe them." —Clinton on Bill Clinton's bimbo eruptions. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." —Clinton on visiting Bosnia in 1996, contradicting other accounts that said there was no threat of gunfire. Clinton later said she "misspoke"
I might be wrong, but HBO is pretty much just picking up their first minority based shows, it could be that they never really thought of it as a problem, I know I didn't realize it's roots since I haven't seen it since maybe I was a kid. Maybe they are just waking up to it too and decided to not pay for the licensing fees anymore.i would, it's art in a different medium. the movie has been out since 1939 and they're JUST questioning it? c'mon. i wasn't talking about burning books in protest but for revisionism- don't try to change the landscape of white privilege now by hiding then putting together a well crafted 'meaningful message' which just reeks of more white privilege butt hurt..it's out there, own it.
Listen asshole . One more time. I'm Black you stupid fuck. Now go away with your liberal bullshit . And your in violation of federal anti bullying laws I suggest you stop telling people to kill themselves. If your so preoccupied with suicide maybe you should seek counseling. You trigger little bitch.