

New Member

This is my 1st indoor grow, so I'm still reading and learning a lot. One of my plants is showing female signs, but I'm seeing what looks like the beginning of a sac formation right by the side of the shoot siteIMG_20200611_103429.jpg.

Is this an hermie, or is it too soon to tell?



New Member
To me also, but sometimes it looks like this and later than you see two “hairs” out of it... I would wait a little and observe very often.
Thanks, I'm seeing pistols too, but this node has this sac like features.

Cycle has been 12-12 for about 3 weeks, my other plant started showing female pistils 2 days ago, and this one today, but looking closer I found that node.

Ill keep a close eye over the next few days and remove it if it hermies out.



Well-Known Member
They do look like hermies, and the way I see it is that if you are doubting something then there is good reason to doubt it. They are not what you are expecting to see. I just had the same issue with a few hermies, one plant starting showing male sacs all over the plant. It was removed due to having at least 10 male sacs very early on. One other plant had put out just the one male sac so I removed that 1 sac from the plant and it remains growing with no new male sacs or any visible nanners either.

I have a night vision camera in the room and I believed it was that so I unplugged it until I could determine which infra red leds it had inside it. After much research on infrared spectrums and plants and cctv I came to the conclusion that the camera could not be the issue as the worst plant was the furthest from the camera and the closest plant was over 3 feet from the leds on the camera.

I had never had any issues with herms ever in the past but I had to get this fixed as soon as possible as it was too early on to ignore. I convinced myself that due to the grow area being in complete darkness when everything is off that I had no issues with light leaks. I have 3 fans and 1 extension lead inside the grow area that has a red light on it that runs day and night. These fans lined up with the plants that had issues! How could I have missed that until now? The extension cable has a mild red light on it, I also that I missed too... I now have all lights covered and camera hooked up again and it has been a few weeks since the initial problem and all is good now.

So check for light leaks, go in just after lights off and look for leaks and lights on electric items. Also whats the temp change from day/night cycle? Anything over 10c change can sometimes be a problem.


Well-Known Member
They do look like hermies, and the way I see it is that if you are doubting something then there is good reason to doubt it. They are not what you are expecting to see. I just had the same issue with a few hermies, one plant starting showing male sacs all over the plant. It was removed due to having at least 10 male sacs very early on. One other plant had put out just the one male sac so I removed that 1 sac from the plant and it remains growing with no new male sacs or any visible nanners either.

I have a night vision camera in the room and I believed it was that so I unplugged it until I could determine which infra red leds it had inside it. After much research on infrared spectrums and plants and cctv I came to the conclusion that the camera could not be the issue as the worst plant was the furthest from the camera and the closest plant was over 3 feet from the leds on the camera.

I had never had any issues with herms ever in the past but I had to get this fixed as soon as possible as it was too early on to ignore. I convinced myself that due to the grow area being in complete darkness when everything is off that I had no issues with light leaks. I have 3 fans and 1 extension lead inside the grow area that has a red light on it that runs day and night. These fans lined up with the plants that had issues! How could I have missed that until now? The extension cable has a mild red light on it, I also that I missed too... I now have all lights covered and camera hooked up again and it has been a few weeks since the initial problem and all is good now.

So check for light leaks, go in just after lights off and look for leaks and lights on electric items. Also whats the temp change from day/night cycle? Anything over 10c change can sometimes be a problem.
Great post.

The bastards put a blue green or red light on every darn thing they can...humidifiers, fans, controllers, even the fking power strips.

The only way to know is to stay in your room after lights out about 15min so your eyes adjust and you can see total darkness still.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the feedback, looks like I definitely have a light leak, my other plant is also showing male parts now, here's some more clear imgs

Definitely not good right? =(



Well-Known Member
Definitely not good. Elongated banana-shaped sacs are usually a sign of stress-induced hermies. If it was me I would be gutted but I would pull them as you are going to end up seeding your whole crop if you don't remove them before the sacs open and release pollen.

I would keep an eye out for nanners also, they are male flowers without the green sac surrounding them. Nanners are like very big and longer pistols. They can release pollen as soon as they form and do not have any sac. Give this google images link a look and see what to look for.

Get yourself a decent roll of black duct tape (white is better for reflection but may still let light through, but if you use white then layer it till no light shows through) and seal any tiny holes in your area that may let in light and tape up lights on any electrical items inside the grow area too. If you don't have a timer, get one also that can support your light (usually any from a grow shop is good).

If your grow area is a reasonable size for a blackout curtain to cover then throw something like that over it to help block any light leaks.

Whatever happens, don't let it dishearten you. Things like this happen and it will just make you more experienced in how to handle it.