Clone or a clone of a clone

Why the US doesn't/hasn't adopt(ed) the metric system has baffled me my entire life. It's like they desire to suffer with an inefficient, antiquated and overly complicated measurement system where you need charts, graphs and calculators to perform even the most basic of calculations.

A Kilometre is easy to understand. 1,000 metres. With everything 10-based, it's easy to add, subtract, divide and multiply in one's head.

A mile? 1,760 yards. OK, how many feet is a mile? Let's see how many feet in a yard first... 3' per yard. 5,280' per mile. See how none of that lines up whatsoever? There seems like there's no logic :)
I would love it to change, but most people would fight it I think. They'd have to learn something new, lol.
Why the US doesn't/hasn't adopt(ed) the metric system has baffled me my entire life. It's like they desire to suffer with an inefficient, antiquated and overly complicated measurement system where you need charts, graphs and calculators to perform even the most basic of calculations.

A Kilometre is easy to understand. 1,000 metres. With everything 10-based, it's easy to add, subtract, divide and multiply in one's head.

A mile? 1,760 yards. OK, how many feet is a mile? Let's see how many feet in a yard first... 3' per yard. 5,280' per mile. See how none of that lines up whatsoever? There seems like there's no logic :)
if I was taught that from the get go, no problem, but trying to learn that now would be like trying to turn a christian into an atheist.
I like Fahrenheit better than Celsius though, unless you guys use decimals too. Like 25.5 C. Then I'd be on board with Celsius too.

Regarding my grow rooms, I pretty well always refer to things in F, and always have. I can convert in my head though, say for example if someone here posts a question in C. If I answer, I'll typically reply with the F figure, and put the C figure within parenthesis so that all future readers (including the OP) have both.

When I'm speaking about outside temperatures, I almost exclusively use C, unless I'm speaking to someone (family, friend etc) from the US, and I'll do the calculation in my head and use F as the measurement.

I was at a gas station at Lake Louise, AB a couple of years ago, and had family visiting from Dallas and SF. We were going camping up by Jasper. I was driving a US vehicle at the time, so the temp on the dash was in F. One of them asked "what's the temperature in Celsius?". Took a sec, and spit the answer out.

Then, another Canadian filling at the pump adjacent to me, asks "how many kilometres in a mile?". I laughed, told them, and explained that with family in both countries, it's mandatory to be able to do conversions and answer appropriately for the audience :)
To this day I have a few different strains that are years old. There is only one big thing that I really noticed. The clones seem to get less resistant to diseases like molds compared to when they were seeds. Potency potential has never changed. Only gets lower when conditions are not as good or if it's put outside. However if you say have a plant in bad conditions and turns out like shit, you can reveg it, clone it, grow it again in optimal conditions and it will not lose it's potency potential. Even after many years.

Of course we do, that’s all it is decimals.
Well then sign me up.
Regarding my grow rooms, I pretty well always refer to things in F, and always have. I can convert in my head though, say for example if someone here posts a question in C. If I answer, I'll typically reply with the F figure, and put the C figure within parenthesis so that all future readers (including the OP) have both.

When I'm speaking about outside temperatures, I almost exclusively use C, unless I'm speaking to someone (family, friend etc) from the US, and I'll do the calculation in my head and use F as the measurement.

I was at a gas station at Lake Louise, AB a couple of years ago, and had family visiting from Dallas and SF. We were going camping up by Jasper. I was driving a US vehicle at the time, so the temp on the dash was in F. One of them asked "what's the temperature in Celsius?". Took a sec, and spit the answer out.

Then, another Canadian filling at the pump adjacent to me, asks "how many kilometres in a mile?". I laughed, told them, and explained that with family in both countries, it's mandatory to be able to do conversions and answer appropriately for the audience :)
I can do it too now, nice. Multiply by 9, divide by 5, and then add 32. I just tried it a few times in my head and I'm pretty good. I actually have a math degree. Not that you need one to do the conversion in you head, lol.

It's gonna be fun practicing converting it in my head when people post their temps in Celsius from now on.
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Dude u have no idea what your doing just give up.. 300 plants no matter what filter I have I better be on another planet for ppl not to catch on to that shit, foreal !! I’ve had 35 by the turn before and my buddy’s dad pulled into my cousins one night to tell me my headlight was out and he warned me how bad he could smell the r2 that night driving by, and it’s like 500-1000 feet from the road man easy.. clearly u guys ain’t growing “the fire”, seriously tho boys this blue cheese is rediculously dank smelling it’s up there with the r2 outdoor smell
Again, it's because you are incredibly fucking stupid when it comes to odor control. It doesn't matter how "fire" you're growing.

You seriously just suck at everything - growing, odor control, communication skills, not getting hooked on heroin, coming off like a complete fucking dipshit. Aside from being a junkie, is there anything that you are actually good at???
I live in the U.Ass.of.A. I`m bilingual in tools and dimensions.F`d with F. degrees. Metrics is easier and more precise. Damn US car makers anyways.
Read to page 7 and had to skip to the end to see if canadiangrower was still here.

That, and reading his shit hurt my head he sounds like such a tool!

Shamed to be Canadian, sorry guys....

You have trump, we have canadiangrower...
That's not fair. I'm not sure who has it worse, lol.