Do i need direct sunlight for my outdoor pot ?


Member would really need a huge open area to obtain 12 hours of direct sunshine, but I'm sure the more hours you get the bigger/better the plants would be.

funny thing is that I was thinking of putting a plant on my balcony which faces north and gets almost zero direct sunshine, just to see what would happen.....but I can't now as 4 plants is our legal max here in Canada
it's okay where im at 0 plants is our legal max :hump:


Well-Known Member
so um what i couldnt figure out yet is 7-9 weeks from now how do i get it to go into flowering stage or is it done naturally at it's own pace ?
If it's a normal photoperiod plant then it will flower on it's own when the daylight lessens.

If it's an autoflower then it will flower on it's own based on it's age that is in it's genetics.


If it's a normal photoperiod plant then it will flower on it's own when the daylight lessens.

If it's an autoflower then it will flower on it's own based on it's age that is in it's genetics.
oh okay gotchu so basically either way i shouldn't intervene right ? and what point can i tell if it's auto or photoperiod ? i collected seeds over time from various buds so idk what is what at this point


Well-Known Member
oh okay gotchu so basically either way i shouldn't intervene right ? and what point can i tell if it's auto or photoperiod ? i collected seeds over time from various buds so idk what is what at this point
Bag seed usually come from a hermied plant, making them more likely to have hermie genetics. The only way the seeds could be autoflower is if the original plant was an autoflower. You wouldn’t get a photoperiod to mutate to autoflower unles it was bred origianally to have ruderalis genetics.

No need to worry about which it is right now. Focus on keeping it alive and healthy.