What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Thoughts and prayers...
Parkinson's is for losers. Am I right, donald?


Well-Known Member
My relatives believe when you have a cardinal visit it's a relative from heaven. The last family get together my wifes sister said oh look it's a cardinal. My wife said I hope it's not a relative of the crazy cardinal that used to peck on the windshield of our truck.


Well-Known Member
Parkinson's is for losers. Am I right, donald?
Reminds me of Hitler near the end, nerves are destroying him and stress is hastening the decline, Der Fuhrer had a similar issue in the dying days of the war. I can see them dragging him out of the WH blubbering and frothing at the mouth, if the heat gets hot enough.

Remember Donald already tried to order a large scale mass murder in LaFayette park but was talked out of it, he would have used live ammunition, if he wasn't for those advising him and subordinates didn't refuse.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thoughts and prayers...
Well, he hasn't worn a tan suit, or ordered spicy mustard on his hamberders.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it was just a routine procedure that everyone was handcuffed until the police could sort it out. The white folks were handcuffed too, right?