Calgary: Rona Ambrose, Canada's former health minister, joins e-cigarette company Juul's board of directors

Salutations DrKiz,

How is this shit even allowed?

That's how politics work, anyone still remember where Rona Ambrose used to stand during the Harper days anyway?...

In addition lets not forget Hilary Geller, her former assitant deputy, actually remained in function past the federal elections of 2015. Long enough for her to be seen on cable-TV (CPAC) relatively to cannabis then at a later time its associated consumption methods - which also covered e-Cigs/Vaporizers as you can imagine...

Hilary Geller - Health Canada, as assistant deputy minister [400x300] .PNG

Too bad the UN/WHO joint publication on CBD had to wait mid-December 2017!!

And since Calgary/Alberta is on the radar, once again, i feel most confident CSAM's senior members plunged both hands in Trudeau's reform as well:

Which i find equally troubling. Not to mention an apparent failure of mass media to report this other related event dating back to 2014 (e.g. the Harper days):

Sixth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control​
4.4.1 Smokeless tobacco products​
4.4.2 Electronic nicotine delivery systems​
« Smokeless tobacco products »​
« Electronic nicotine delivery systems »​

It's safe to bet very few of us ever heard of it and yet that's where "Harm Reduction" lost a couple feathers under the attacks of bigot prohibitionists who were quite aware this would also affect cannabis consumers, eventually. Now, please someone tell me which sort of "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" got invited to debate these topics In The Name Of Children (...), 1st to Moscow/Russia in 2014 then hotel Marriott in Montréal a few months after the "Task Force" of Bill G20 Blair released it report of August 24th, 2016.

Kevin Sabet [440x260] .PNG

Kevin Sabet at secret Int'l Montréal congress on addiction (2016-Oct) .PNG'l Montréal congress on addiction (2016-Oct) .PNG

Nora Volkov [440x260] .PNG

Etc., etc.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Hi again DrKiz,

Pyscho’s in suits.

And with diplomas giving them sufficient "scientific" authority to address populations through television, pretending to educate us, euh... How come indeed!


By the way, it was a reporter named Tamy-Emma Pépin who managed to reveal some of the famous faces seen at Justin's Halloween gathering of hotel Marriott (mentioned previously). Actually it was her again facing yet another "spe¢iali$t"/"expert" (dressed in pink):

Marina Orsini - Saison 02 Épisode 26 - Le cannabis (2016-Oct-13)

Now pay some special attention to the timeline... :roll:

So, lets have a closer look at this most evocative snapshot showing what it really was about:
SRC - Marina Orsini (S2Ep26) - Christiane Laberge (2016-Oct-13) [400x300] .PNG

Imagine, doctor Christiane Laberge expressed nostalgy for the "good old days" when THC concentration was only 1% she said. Which gives us some additional hint as to how a couple years later an activist as Dana Larsen found appropriate to point out that suffering patients taken hostage by such zealots might find the "legal" doses less than adequate when considering an alternative delivery method as suppository medication...
Trudeau @ InfoMan (SRC) - by Cristina Guggeri - Cheeky World Leader Portraits & meme [400x720] .PNG

A model of compassion, aHummm...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

...hope she burns in hell...

Somehow i find BURNING (as in combustion) would feel most appropriate as punishment.

Politicians & friends are gone out of control and pose as saviours of society while making room for more aberrations like coerced "re-hab" implying scientology-inspired "treatment" (...), or legal theft of goods by virtue of Civil Asset Forfeiture, even kidnaping of children by CPS, etc... Too bad they never mind fixing all this after making the news, actually crying on TV, a knee to the ground and what not! But truth is the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists NEVER know when to stop, not to mention i can't recall any of our modern politicians raising a voice in either parliaments to denounce the alledged "suicide" of RCMP's cpl. Ronald J. Albert Francis (in Harper days, when the canuck mountie furr-hat as a symbol felt more important than the life of a PTSD victim), or the SPVM-GTi mishap causing Bony Jean-Pierre to fall down a window to his death hours from April foul's day (to send a political message à la Bill Blair), then die in hospital while Trudeau managed not to get entangled by this sordid story - especially after insisting that armed forces should do their job - actually using the Trois-Rivières pyrrhotite crisis as a mediatic decoy (it turns out these home owner's misery still ain't over today), euh...


Sometimes i come to conclude power abuse was better addressed in the days of Marie-Antoinette: at least then one could garanty such freaks could never return using the back door! ... Of course these were messy times and now we're "evolved" and "advanced" people, supposedly. M'well at least my later comment should provide a notion of disproportions, which the zealots obviously don't have as it's no more rational to KILL a man over 8 oz in 2016. Or just remain totally mute about it ~3 weeks later while holding the stage (& microphone) in front of the United Nations, prefering to have selfies in red boxer gloves with high-profile UN insiders expressing their dissidence most openly the very next day.

Etc., etc.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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See you next tuesday is just one of the good ol boys. Julian Fantino playbook style. Hypocrisy and selling out isnt just for men.
I have disliked her for a long time.

They’re basically all like that now.

We are essentially now living in a “taxation without representation” situation under an illegitimate government. Absolute corruption.

They’re in parliament when when they should be behind bars.
Hi again!

Thanks for helping me finding the words.

170 people died in BC in May from toxic street drugs.

They hardly made the news in my local TV environment and mass media has its own favourite ways to wrap this up so it may seem ambivalence is preserved anyway... Only determined "activists" can manage to detect strategic communication patterns i imagine, like the mountie furr-hat symbol as previously mentioned. Ever played Battleship??

YouTube: Electronic Battleship, 1982 Milton Bradley Game (2012-Aug-27)

It's what escapes our attention which matters the most. After a while the alignement of dots clearly tell us where those politicians don't want to go, the problem being it's much too late by the time we get the "news". The language barrier is just a plain bonus to them.

Why burn her when she can be electronically vaporized?

Hummm... :rolleyes:

Ever heard of "Electrical Discharge Machining" (EDM)? :idea:


Personally i find that's slightly "gore" for a fantasm but it's not impossible parts of the audience may appreciate that this is based on electricity eating up materials, and it turns out dirty bags of salty water are conductive indeed: just think of storm lightning victims...

Ain't mother Nature really a model of invention!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
[ https:// ]
CBC - Calgary: Rona Ambrose, Canada's former health minister, joins e-cigarette company Juul's board of directors (2020-May-17)

« Rona Ambrose, Canada's former health minister, has joined the board of directors of e-cigarette company Juul. »


« Juul has two retail stores in Ambrose's home province of Alberta. »
What a fucking hypocrite. She hates cannabis and perpetuated negative stereotypes about it while in office. Then turns around to peddle this shit. Typical sell out Conservative. Makes me sick.