my own DR. Seus plant?!


Well-Known Member
well ive asked and nobody seems to reply to any post i make lol..kiss-ass

one of my plants has been normal then recently at the end of the day it starts to droop all the way to the dirt.. then during the morning through mid day it goes back up to normal.

the conditions are 68-78º, humidity 20-50, light 19/5, 150hps, and cfl's, probably 3 inches from the plant tops, 1 month, ff ocean forest, watering every 3 days with 300ml of water and neuts(Earth Juice: Grow big) at mild. 7.5ml to 1 gallon ratio... so its barely anything at all.. also the leaves are getting a bit lighter in the center than the rest of the leaves..

in these conditions the other plant i have loves it, and is thriving.. just this one is acting up a bit. i started these two plants and this one is 3x smaller than the other one right now, haha

could this be a PH related issue? from the PH of my water im giving it? since i do not own a Ph tester and am using tap water that has sat for 3 days... Also another thought is the pot is too small for it to grow?:roll: Or even the light is too strong for the plant somehow? At first it loved the hps now its starting to wilt then come back...

any help appreciated.



Well-Known Member
this happened to me too. It is related to a nutrient getting locked out because another nute is to high. FLUSH. That is the key and then give them 1/4 strenght nutes then feeding as normal. You will be fine.


Well-Known Member
this happened to me too. It is related to a nutrient getting locked out because another nute is to high. FLUSH. That is the key and then give them 1/4 strenght nutes then feeding as normal. You will be fine.

i am using neuts 1/4th strength

hmmm and i will read up on the deficiency

and does boiling tap water and collecting the vapor make the water distilled and clear of impurities and make it a solid 7+- PH?


Well-Known Member
damn man, boiling the water and collecting the vapor! You are my idol. That's voyage of the mimi stuff,


Well-Known Member

i just really need a dam ph tester.. thats bout it...

because im sure thats something to do with it.. not allowing certain nutrients to be make useable for the plant or somthing..

but if i wanted to add calcium/magnesium what would i use to get those?


Well-Known Member

i just really need a dam ph tester.. thats bout it...

because im sure thats something to do with it.. not allowing certain nutrients to be make useable for the plant or somthing..

but if i wanted to add calcium/magnesium what would i use to get those?
It is a cal-mag problem and can be fixed by using Cal-Mag by Botanicare. Add it to your water when feeding the plants. And read this article about essencial elements especially the calcium and magnesium part.

You can pick it up at a hydro or garden shop or you can get it online.


Well-Known Member
how are you sure its the cal/mag problem? this will also fix the wilt then perk back up the leaves are doing? and this contorted curling shit they are doing.. like the light is coming from the ground lol

i did read it and it seems to be right, but idk

should i get the cal-mag botincare or can i just add some fert with mg and ca?

i have some fert for tomatoes wiht nitrogen 6%, and other shit and an extra boost of mg and ca, mix that with my water and water plants with that instead of using neuts this time..


Well-Known Member
The food you are feeding them will have a certain percent of both calcium and magnesium however the plants eat it right up and fast. Those two elements wash out of the soil so the plant never has a storage of them in their cells like they would nitrogen.

The spotting, changing colors on the older leaves, slow growth, and the red stems is what leads me to believe that you have a cal-mag issue.

Btw you can give them more than 7.5 ml of food now. Go to 10ml per gallon which is 2 teaspoons per gallon of water. That amount will provide more cal-mag. How much of those 2 elements does your food have in it?


Well-Known Member
all that it says is


Total N 2.00%
1.00% water soluble
1.00% water insoluble
Available Phosphate 1.00%
Soluable Potash 1.00%

batguano, sea kelp, sulfate of potash, feather meal, blood meal, oat bran, steamed bone mean, molasses

Fertilizer Product Database

looks like there isnt shit in this fert, so it is deff lacking the essential micro nutrients?

this is what i was looking to give it, originally from my father fro growing tomatoes.



Well-Known Member
all that it says is


Total N 2.00%
1.00% water soluble
1.00% water insoluble
Available Phosphate 1.00%
Soluable Potash 1.00%

batguano, sea kelp, sulfate of potash, feather meal, blood meal, oat bran, steamed bone mean, molasses

Fertilizer Product Database

looks like there isnt shit in this fert, so it is deff lacking the essential micro nutrients?

this is what i was looking to give it, originally from my father fro growing tomatoes.

That bag of food will work great especiall for vegging has what your plants need and at the right %. I noticed on the directions it said to use 2 tablespoons per plant, however, do not use that amount. Try 2 teaspoons and mix it into the first 4-5 inches of your soil then water the plants. They should perk up in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
10 ml(2tbsp) of that shouldnt be overkill?

only thing is i watered my plants yesterday morning, should i just water in the new fert now or wait till regular watering schedual, which would be on tuesday morning

i will stop the liquid nutrient earth grow, and mix this into the top of the soil of this plant and water it in, and see if this one recovers, if it does i will do it to the other plant.

now should i even use the liquid earth grow anymore at all if this tomato mix works well?


Well-Known Member
5ml=1 teaspoon. If you used 10ml=2 teaspoons that would work. The liquid food can still be used but give her a week or so to get used to the new food first.

Mix in 10ml or 2 teaspoons of the dry food into the top layer of your soil, add just a bit of water so the food drains down into your soil. On tuesday check it and if it needs to be watered again give a full watering. By then you'll have a good idea of what your plants can handle.

Since your liquid food does not contain any essential elements, only the npk, your plants must be supplimented with the elements it needs. :peace:


Well-Known Member
5ml=1 teaspoon. If you used 10ml=2 teaspoons that would work. The liquid food can still be used but give her a week or so to get used to the new food first.

Mix in 10ml or 2 teaspoons of the dry food into the top layer of your soil, add just a bit of water so the food drains down into your soil. On tuesday check it and if it needs to be watered again give a full watering. By then you'll have a good idea of what your plants can handle.

Since your liquid food does not contain any essential elements, only the npk, your plants must be supplimented with the elements it needs. :peace:

right on, thankyou very much i will try this and see what happens

i have no problem adding these nutes with the liquid, ill probably find a recipe for a good ix down the line, to add those2ndary and essential nutrients.

ima give er a shot :mrgreen:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
see... always at nights...its horrible, its putting energy to this not growing..

it has been the same size and same size flowers for last 5 days...



Well-Known Member
Yep the slow or stunted is a sure sign that they are deficient in essencial elements. Well you should see them pick up here within a couple of days. Have you mixed the dry food into the soil yet?


Well-Known Member
Yep the slow or stunted is a sure sign that they are deficient in essencial elements. Well you should see them pick up here within a couple of days. Have you mixed the dry food into the soil yet?

mixed 2 days ago when you told me, i havnt seen anything but 1 droopy ass plant, and now the other one is starting on the same path...

i really need to figure this shit out!!!!!!

it seems to be getting worse... i mixed it into the soil, and i mixed it into the water... nothing yet.. the other one is curling leaves and stunted growth is starting to appear...

i am not sure if it is really from llack of ca/mg.....:confused::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::-|:cry: