Accidentally topped dressed oyster shell flour 4th week flowering


Ah man. I topped dress oyster shell flour instead of crab meal in my need/kelp/crab meal top dress.
Im running 4 - 20gal smart pots with 2 Jillybeans and one Vortex from TGA. My soil is C.Coots recipe and it’s the best thing that is ever happened to me in respect to my growing. Big Up to Clackamos Coot. Hope I spelled it right. It’s been 4+ years since I’ve STUDIED his posts.
I have my dry meals in plastic containers. I was mixing my top dress of neem/kelp/crab meals. 1 of them didn’t have a label. So I opened it and smelled it and figured it was crab meal. It was oyster shell flour.
I mixed my equal parts and top dressed / watered and then went on about my day.
A week later now. My girls just have been having a lot of extra veg growth while in 4th week of flowering. So that’s not good.
My question is...Did I screw my ladies up?? Still flowering...just really slow.
I figured it would raise the ph. But I don’t ph nothin. Threw all the meters and crap away years ago.
So far I’ve topped with about 1 inch of worm casting from my worm bin
Smart advice for my not so smart nose.
The problem that you will run into is that calcium and potassium will work against each other(antagonist). So, you need to be looking at K inputs and limit calcium(Ph). If you are familiar with chemistry, the bases(not acids) are Ca, Mg, K, and Na. So, there is a "base saturation ratio" and if they fall out of balance, then one will get locked out.
I figured it would raise the ph. But I don’t ph nothin. Threw all the meters and crap away years ago.
When the Ph gets above 6.5, then you will start having micronutrient lockout. I would rather have the Ph at 5.8 than 6.5 because of availability. Apple cider vinegar or brown rice vinegar is a good Ph down.
Ah man. I topped dress oyster shell flour instead of crab meal in my need/kelp/crab meal top dress.
Im running 4 - 20gal smart pots with 2 Jillybeans and one Vortex from TGA. My soil is C.Coots recipe and it’s the best thing that is ever happened to me in respect to my growing. Big Up to Clackamos Coot. Hope I spelled it right. It’s been 4+ years since I’ve STUDIED his posts.
I have my dry meals in plastic containers. I was mixing my top dress of neem/kelp/crab meals. 1 of them didn’t have a label. So I opened it and smelled it and figured it was crab meal. It was oyster shell flour.
I mixed my equal parts and top dressed / watered and then went on about my day.
A week later now. My girls just have been having a lot of extra veg growth while in 4th week of flowering. So that’s not good.
My question is...Did I screw my ladies up?? Still flowering...just really slow.
I figured it would raise the ph. But I don’t ph nothin. Threw all the meters and crap away years ago.
So far I’ve topped with about 1 inch of worm casting from my worm bin
Smart advice for my not so smart nose.
Your going to be ok.
I find that with organic nutrients, plants absorb what is required, unlike hydro where the root structure is immersed in nutrient solution and osmosis comes into play.
If I were you I would give them a rinse with a hose. That is it.
I have top dressed all sorts of stuff over the years and this is why I grow organically, it is super forgiving.

I hope your perceived error is not detremental.

Happy growing!
I hope that it’s going to be ok. Does not look too good tho. I topped dressed again with compost mixed with a little kelp. They are nice and healthy just too much leafy growth for 4th week. Never really made an oops like this before. I agree organics are very forgiving, I’m just more annoyed because my soil is 3 years old on a no till. After this run I think I’m just gonna put this soil in the worm bin and let them fix it up for me so I can use it for next season.
The problem that you will run into is that calcium and potassium will work against each other(antagonist). So, you need to be looking at K inputs and limit calcium(Ph). If you are familiar with chemistry, the bases(not acids) are Ca, Mg, K, and Na. So, there is a "base saturation ratio" and if they fall out of balance, then one will get locked out.

i agree here in theory but Humic and fulvic acid change cation Movement within the roots (cec) in a soilsubstrate . So those bonds formed can be broken .