Next thing they'll ban.

Already lost the Duke boys. Next they're gonna try to ban classic rock.

It didn't happen if you erase it from history.

Then we will wipe the slate clean of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

I'm not saying there's not social and racial inequality, but how can you learn from past mistakes if you erase everything. That's the whole point of History. Learn from past mistakes and get better.

And don't be so quick to call Skynyrd racist. Boo! Boo! Boo! We all did what we could do.
What? That was George Wallace's campaign theme! How dare they?
Noone is talking about skynyrd but you though. As for most classic rock musicians.. they all protested, look at ccr, sabbath, floyd, CSN&Y.. etc. One thing they all got in common is a hate for trump.
The Guess Who were Canadian.

How dare they?
Skynyrds take on pistols
"Hand guns are made for killin'
They ain't no good for nothin' else
And if you like to drink your whiskey
You might even shoot yourself
So why don't we dump 'em people
To the bottom of the sea
Before some ol' fool come around here
Wanna shoot either you or me"
Very liberal for the time
George Wallace hated that song.
How nice they cherry pick. Now they are banning pictures of there own.
So ya like Robert Byrd's picture just where it is. He was a democrat that formed a 150 member Kay Kay Kay chapter in 1940 he also served as one of Hillary Clinton's mentors.

Also anyone notice this?
Robert Hunter - political party Whig until he lost an election in 1842 and switched to democrat in 1845.
James Orr - Democrat
Howell Cobb - Democrat
Charles Crisp - Democrat
You know your propaganda well. Too funny how your kind always dwell on ancient history. I laugh because one has to look back a hundred years to find examples of Democrats behaving like today's Republicans.

But then, a picture is worth a thousand words. Below , a picture of then young Democrats, who are now old Republicans, harassing peaceful people engaged in a lawful sit-in at a segregated Walgreens lunch counter in 1963.


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It's time the rebel flag is treated like a swastika. It has been a symbol of hate for fuck boys for too long. The marines got it right by banning it from their bases. Nobody said little would be racists can't have them, but it is time to stop allowing them to pretend there is some glory in the hate flag of the USA.

The white male privilege is thick in this thread.

Educate yourself
Educate yourself
Damn man, first off, warn someone when the first 2 minutes is just random rambling boring bullshit please. I know if you are just the next in the infinite line of sock puppet trolls be it Russian/Saudi/ChineseCultist/Foreign/Racist/Evangelical/Domestic that you think are paying you to make stupid posts and spread whatever it is to get Dear Leader elected, that wasting peoples time is part of the game, but be a human.

Christ 3 minutes in and still nothing but bullshitting.

3:50.... talking about black women being 2 'categories' that intersect.... That is the first thing I think he is even almost on topic about.

4:00 'what if you're gay unattractive black woman'...... Has there ever been a law against ugly people voting?

Then back to pontification of pretending whatever bullshit he is deciding to categorize people who discuss 'white privelage' a little trolling of a early 'paper' on it... and we are about 5:30 in. Hope he actually starts to explain shit finally.

6:07, back to rambling about the woman who wrote this paper talking about white privilege.

@6:50 he starts snow flaking about the early study requirements....

Ok finally says something @7:20 to try to refute being able to purchase in any neighborhood that the author said was 'white privilege' and he disagreed and called that a problem of 'wealth' instead. The problem is he is pretending minority communities have not been redlined and kept out of financial markets necessary to be able to purchase homes in certain neighborhoods until very recently, and after missing all of the low cost entry opportunities. But who knows maybe he will cover that in the last 2:40 minutes.

7:50 he asked the question about all of her questions being 'white' privilege or 'majority' privilege. In America, white men engaged in genocide of the people of the land that were native, so their relatively small population was firmly in charge. So it is 'white' privilege, who used that privilege of advanced weapons to become the 'majority'.

Damn, then he just whines like a little baby until 9:01 as he walks away saying 'white privilege' like it is a joke.

By 9:22 he defines racism as "to attribute to a individual the attributes of the community as if the groups are homogenous".

And that is it, he disregards everything based on his definition and whines for the remaining 50 seconds.

What a waste of time.

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White Male privilege is alive and well, even if it is no longer absolute since the civil rights era. And the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda uses the fear of losing it to trick people into voting for the Republicans ever since.
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Uncle seem a little, well...unstable lets say. Maybe you should leave you smoke filled basement for a while and get some fresh air.
peterson thinks that women who wear makeup deserve to be sexually harassed

so whenever I see someone spam us with that tard I know they have never touched a woman in their entire life
peterson thinks that women who wear makeup deserve to be sexually harassed

so whenever I see someone spam us with that tard I know they have never touched a woman in their entire life

The reason woman wear make up is to make themselves more sexually attractive to the opposite sex (most cases) So if you're worried about the opposite sex finding you attractive maybe you shouldn't wear makeup. Jordon does not condone people harassing other's sexually.
The reason woman wear make up is to make themselves more sexually attractive to the opposite sex (most cases) So if you're worried about the opposite sex finding you attractive maybe you shouldn't wear makeup. Jordon does not condone people harassing other's sexually.
he said women who wear makeup to work deserve to be sexually harassed.

you are an incel.

So we're they ignorant or did they not give a damn?
It wasn't thought of as a hate flag. I grew up watching the Dukes and I never associated the flag with racism. I just thought of it as a sign of rebellion. The Dukes were rebels, fighting the system, and Skynyrd meant it the same way. I think it was the skinheads and other racists who turned it into a hate symbol. I know it's a delicate subject though.