No probably about it.
Your bleaching has me perplexed. I have a suspicion it is nutrient/ph related but as I say I am perplexed. What is the texture like on the leaves? Where do your micronutrients come from? (Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu....) ?
There should be a reason the plants can't take the level of light you expect them to, are the buddies that powerful/impactful that they are the cause? Or is it something along the lines of the added blue of the 4k or spectral distribution of the red phosphors have triggered a photosynthetic overdrive?
am also a bit perplex always, but the relation is there and i can reproduce it.
where i measure 900ppfd, it bleaches quite quick.
i have this since i use tons of mid power leds, had the same last summer with 3000K 80cri only (with a few more watts but should be explainable).
The buddies will have no negative effect there, in contrary, the ones under the canopy shouldnt contribute at all to the bleaching.
The 4000k are harmless themself too, especially spectrum wise, while they of course contribute to the overall ppfd.
Not sure if the 660nm dont burn harder and faster, enhance the effect, if overdone, they at least give even more ppfd per watt then whites, i set them normally to just slightly peaking the spectrum.
Spectrum wise, maybe someone want to/can check the spectrum i posted and see which photosystems are activated the most, the 4000k 95cri should only help and theyre just a small fraction of the light atm.
the texture is fine, its just burning its chlorophyl.
I have used several fertilizers and media since last summer, my recent fertilizer is pretty high in micros as its ment to be mixed with a calcinit ratio up to 2:1 , 2 parts calcinit to one base salt, i dont do that but the micros would allow.
All micros are chealted and can be taken up to PH 8 or something.
Which doesnt mean the PH couldnt be the issue, while i had this in cocos also, where the PH was always pretty good.
Now in clay pebbles it was mostly too high, now in flower its fine 6-6-5 out... 5.4 in.
I am not sure there of the impact, i gave up chasing it with epsom salt, while i gave always about 50ppm mg, so the plant shouldnt complain much, elevated level.