tomorrow is the big day...


Well-Known Member
tomorrow, I shall be doing shrooms for the first time. I'm kinda excited and worried. I'm trying to ignore the worried part though. don't want a bad trip. I am MORE excited than anything though. me and two other friends are also doing them. should be loads of fun. only thing is that I don't think there is gonna be someone sober there. that's what kinda worries me.

so again, any pointers on the shroom biz? I think I pertty much know what to do and how to act, but I just want to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Was always my "drug of choice".... so much fun!!!! Just go into the situation knowing that whatever happens it will only last for a few more hours.... so if you start bugging out.... you can bring yourself back. It's soooo much fun. Fungus.... thanks for the memories!!!!

You'll be fine. I turned my better half onto them and now he's hooked. :roll:

Enjoy... let us know how you make out.


Well-Known Member
I deff will!! now I'm so pumped for this you have no idea. like...oh my god!! 3/8 should be enough for the three of us right?


Well-Known Member
Split it equally and you should be fine if they are good shrooms.

And make sure the company is good too..... keep things light and fun!!!



Well-Known Member
Don't be bummed..... for some reason it was never meant to happen. If it would have happened.... maybe something would have gone terribly wrong. Trust that everything happens for a reason.

If it is meant to be, it will be. And when it does.... it will be fun! :-P



New Member
Don't worry man, I was afraid my first time too but had the fun of my life, I ate an eighter. I was alone alot of the time too, You're deffiently going to enjoy them, just be ready for the peak cause it can be a little bit to much sometimes, but you'll be fine. Enjoy =D


Well-Known Member
don b scared shrooms are the shit. jus know what strain ur getn. you dont want a crazy strong shroom nd do three grams. start with hlf 8th ull b fine. in my opinion shrooms are the best shit out there for a spiritual connection so if you into that kinda shit its guna make yuo look at your life differently....jus watch


Active Member
Mushrooms are absolutely fantastic, despite their wretched taste. Take a page from ChinaCat and acknowledge the fact that they won't have effects on you in a few hours.

The first time I used mushrooms was a few years ago, I held then swallowed 5 grams of liberty cap mushrooms. I couldn't get out of my mind that the police and my parents were looking for me and I was sketching out. I neglected to realize that it would all be over in a few hours. :|

Seriously though, mushrooms are a blast, definitely my drug of choice.


Well-Known Member
make sure to have tennis shoes or something and a cigarette, best things while on shrooms, you walk a lot and a cigarette is very relaxing


Well-Known Member
I remember the 1st time I took shrooms(gold tops),,,they were fresh and I cooked them up in an omelet in the morning and shared them with some friends.. we spent the day snorkeling around the headland off ------ beach
it was incredable...I had never felt my self so connected to every other living thing until that moment(s)....and it was hilarious ...awesome there is no time quite like the 1st time :mrgreen: