Next thing they'll ban.


Well-Known Member
You're invited to come to my clubhouse whenever you can make it.
Didn't watch the video.

Fascists glorify violence. You fit in with Proud Boys quite well.

Instead of posting stupid propaganda videos, try posting links to real analysis, opinions from experts or facts based news reports.

Such as this one:

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

3. Glorification of violence and readiness to use it in politics. Fascists such as Mussolini thought violence could cleanse and redeem a tarnished nation. They encouraged loyal thugs to rough up, and occasionally kill, people whose politics differed from theirs. Trump scores low here. His rallies, according to many reports, have a frisson of menace to them; he has said things that could be interpreted as invitations to assassination; his followers often speak longingly of violent acts they wish to see committed against others; he has recommended using torture and killing the families of terrorists. But this still leaves him well short of the standard of Mussolini’s blackshirts or Hitler’s brownshirts, who not only called for political violence but resorted to it extensively. One Benito.

In 2016, WaPo scored Trump with a one Benito for his calls for violence. I'm guessing that after this summer is over, they might want to shift that score to a three. I have no doubt that your kind will hurt some people this summer. All in the name of and with the blessings from Trump.
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Well-Known Member
Didn't watch the video.

Fascists glorify violence. You fit in with Proud Boys quite well.

Instead of posting stupid propaganda videos, try posting links to real analysis, opinions from experts or facts based news reports.

Such as this one:

How fascist is Donald Trump? There’s actually a formula for that.

3. Glorification of violence and readiness to use it in politics. Fascists such as Mussolini thought violence could cleanse and redeem a tarnished nation. They encouraged loyal thugs to rough up, and occasionally kill, people whose politics differed from theirs. Trump scores low here. His rallies, according to many reports, have a frisson of menace to them; he has said things that could be interpreted as invitations to assassination; his followers often speak longingly of violent acts they wish to see committed against others; he has recommended using torture and killing the families of terrorists. But this still leaves him well short of the standard of Mussolini’s blackshirts or Hitler’s brownshirts, who not only called for political violence but resorted to it extensively. One Benito.

In 2016, WaPo scored Trump with a one Benito for his calls for violence. I'm guessing that after this summer is over, they might want to shift that score to a three. I have no doubt that your kind will hurt some people this summer. All in the name of and with the blessings of Trump.
Maga Bomber comes to mind.



Well-Known Member
That guy was a lone wolf.

Proud Boys are a fascist gang.


I make no mistake in underestimating their ability to kick ass. They train together and practice. They have the cops to help them too. They show up in the hundreds and we show up to oppose them in the thousands. In Portland, the fascists are outsiders, most fly in from across the country. Somebody pays their fare because for the most part they are broke ass flunkies. We are locals and our numbers scares not only them but our own political leaders. We will vote them out of office if they don't find a way to disallow violent fascist marches in our city.

I can't speak for other cities but Portland OR isn't a friendly place for fascists like @PadawanWarrior. They manage only a couple of hours before we get their demonstration permit pulled and the streets cleared. Eventually, we will fix our problem with the fascist police force too.

Until then, they show up in the hundreds, we show up in the thousands and stop them from projecting fascist power in our streets. They show with shields, armor and weapons, spoiling hurt us. Our own young men and women, wearing fashionable black, stand in their way. It's going to be a hot summer.


Well-Known Member
That guy was a lone wolf.

Proud Boys are a fascist gang.

View attachment 4602003

I make no mistake in underestimating their ability to kick ass. They train together and practice. They have the cops to help them too. They show up in the hundreds and we show up to oppose them in the thousands. In Portland, the fascists are outsiders, most fly in from across the country. Somebody pays their fare because for the most part they are broke ass flunkies. We are locals and our numbers scares not only them but our own political leaders. We will vote them out of office if they don't find a way to disallow violent fascist marches in our city.

I can't speak for other cities but Portland OR isn't a friendly place for fascists like @PadawanWarrior. They manage only a couple of hours before we get their demonstration permit pulled and the streets cleared. Eventually, we will fix our problem with the fascist police force too.

Until then, they show up in the hundreds, we show up in the thousands and stop them from projecting fascist power in our streets. They show with shields, armor and weapons, spoiling hurt us. Our own young men and women, wearing fashionable black, stand in their way. It's going to be a hot summer.
It's weird we don't get them in Detroit from what I have heard about. A few in Lansing maybe during the shutdown, but we are mostly rural outside of the bottom right of the mitten. And Lansing is more towards the lower middle. Grand Rapids too is pretty similar. So a few militia/white pride types are not uncommon, but few in number generally. Mostly just drunken shit talkers.

But someone radicalized that 'lone wolf'. I would be willing to play the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon of the MAGA bomber to Proud Boys if we took the time to check their social media postings.


Well-Known Member
It's weird we don't get them in Detroit from what I have heard about. A few in Lansing maybe during the shutdown, but we are mostly rural outside of the bottom right of the mitten. And Lansing is more towards the lower middle. Grand Rapids too is pretty similar. So a few militia/white pride types are not uncommon, but few in number generally. Mostly just drunken shit talkers.

But someone radicalized that 'lone wolf'. I would be willing to play the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon of the MAGA bomber to Proud Boys if we took the time to check their social media postings.
Fascists are targeting small liberal communities. Berkely CA, Portland, OR are two examples on the west coast. It's a politically safe place for them to congregate and bust shit up because they have zero political support here. It's not as if some Republican mayor would lose support if they show here. I'm guessing a large liberal-leaning city like New York or Detroit would draw huge crowds of counter protesters. After their debacle in Charlottesville, they tried to demonstrate in Boston and 50,0000 angry people showed up to counter demonstrate. They quite rightly didn't show their faces to that crowd.

Also, Portland. We are pretty much a peaceful community and don't want to bust heads, not even theirs. I'm guessing that might not be true in Detroit or NYC. So they fly in to Portland, a relatively safe, small very liberal city where the police are dominated by fascists who protect them. All 5 or 6 hundred of them. Assholes.


Well-Known Member
Fascists are targeting small liberal communities. Berkely CA, Portland, OR are two examples on the west coast. It's a politically safe place for them to congregate and bust shit up because they have zero political support here. It's not as if some Republican mayor would lose support if they show here. I'm guessing a large liberal-leaning city like New York or Detroit would draw huge crowds of counter protesters. After their debacle in Charlottesville, they tried to demonstrate in Boston and 50,0000 angry people showed up to counter demonstrate. They quite rightly didn't show their faces to that crowd.

Also, Portland. We are pretty much a peaceful community and don't want to bust heads, not even theirs. I'm guessing that might not be true in Detroit or NYC. So they fly in to Portland, a relatively safe, small very liberal city where the police are dominated by fascists who protect them. All 5 or 6 hundred of them. Assholes.
They need a lot of white people to blend into with too I am guessing. They wouldn't be able to scatter very easily at all in Detroit. And it is a long ways to your car to get back to Sterling Heights/Howell from downtown too.

Edit: That is not fair, a lot of the white flight neighborhoods surrounding Detroit have a fair amount of racist douchebags, I shouldn't single out Sterling Whites like that.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah decided to delete the post, with the wack nuts in this thread
Right, you get railed on a message board mansplaining how women only practice self-care and generally accepted beautification practices to find a man, denying the fact that they might do things solely to please themselves and feel a bit of confidence in a world full of sexists and misogynists like youself ,because everyone else is some kind of whack nut. Clearly, you are the one with your head on straight.


Well-Known Member
Right, you get railed on a message board mansplaining how women only practice self-care and generally accepted beautification practices to find a man, denying the fact that they might do things solely to please themselves and feel a bit of confidence in a world full of sexists and misogynists like youself ,because everyone else is some kind of whack nut. Clearly, you are the one with your head on straight.
So just because I think woman wear makeup to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex I am now a misogynist? I also think men go to the gym in order to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex too, does that make me a misandrist? You guys have lost your way and it's no wonder so many men are confused nowadays.

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." -George Orwell


Well-Known Member
So just because I think woman wear makeup to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex I am now a misogynist? I also think men go to the gym in order to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex too, does that make me a misandrist? You guys have lost your way and it's no wonder so many men are confused nowadays.

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." -George Orwell
Thank God there's someone on here that doesn't have their head shoved completely up their asses, lol.

They can't push their bullshit on me either man.


Well-Known Member
Also I think true confidence would be if they didn't wear make up, They are confident in their own looks to the point were they don't need to put on a mask.
Thank God there's someone on here that doesn't have their head shoved completely up their asses, lol.

They can't push their bullshit on me either man.
It's like being dropped into a fish tank of piranhas but they these one's don't have teeth.