What has Trump done to this country?


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Berman Plays Bill Barr like a Fiddle. And a Surprise Glimmer of Hope?

Bill Barr's attempted Friday night massacre backfired spectacularly. Southern District of New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman trumps Barr and leaves on his own terms. But perhaps the most surprising twist is what Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham is saying about Trump's nominee as the next US Attorney for the Southern District of New York.


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Berman Plays Bill Barr like a Fiddle. And a Surprise Glimmer of Hope?

Bill Barr's attempted Friday night massacre backfired spectacularly. Southern District of New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman trumps Barr and leaves on his own terms. But perhaps the most surprising twist is what Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham is saying about Trump's nominee as the next US Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Lindsay Graham combined with Pence and Conway on their 'Faith Tour'? is known as distancing- it's over..the rally was the final nail in his coffin:lol:

The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns. The “genius” who hides his college grades. The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years. The “playboy” who pays for sex. The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church. The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity. The “patriot” who dodged the draft. The “innocent man” who refuses to testify. The "president*" who takes no responsibility. The "tough, strong" man who wears make-up and hair spray. The 'deal maker" who has yet to close a deal. Trump Talk Translated: "Many People have told me" = Voices inside my head "A lot of people don't know" = I just learned "Believe me" = I just lied "In Fact" = I'm about to lie "He's a great guy" = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me "MAGA" = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers "Nobody knew" = Everyone knew except me "Huge" = moderate to below average in size "Loser" = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments "Policy Briefing" = Watching Fox News "Liar" = Someone who tells the truth about me "Fake News" = Real news

-Blogger FIX NEWS
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I think Bill Barr might be in shit, it looks like Bermann sucked him and Trump in, now they are fucked and will have to fire his replacement, but then what? Why even Ms Lindsey found a spine and the NY senators get a veto, as per tradition, Donald is gonna come down hard on Ms. Lindsey, he needs the SDNY controlled or cleaned out. They have indictments waiting for Donald that would put a set of cuffs on him immediately after the inauguration, Michael Cohen is already doing the time for Individual #1's crime, that is just the first of many though.

These two guys will most likely occupy high positions in the DOJ after the new year, both look like they want to burn Bill Barr and Donald at the stake.
AG Barr Under Scrutiny For Role In Ouster Of U.S. Attorney In New York | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Chuck Rosenberg and Frank Figliuzzi join Andrea Mitchell to discuss the weekend firing of U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman, who's office in the Southern District of New York had conducted investigations into some of President Trump's allies. Aired on 6/22/2020.


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too many people are becoming sick.

Yes, they are:

That makes eight so far, and that doesn't include the infected secret service agents.


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Donald's problem is finding enough slimeballs to replace them, he's already scrapped nearly through the bottom of the slime barrel.
Why everyone who works for Donald Trump should be *very* nervous right now

(CNN)The list of things that make President Donald Trump the maddest goes something like this:
1) Small crowds at his rallies
2) Small crowds at his rallies
3) Negative press coverage of small crowds at his rallies

Which is why, after his Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally on Saturday, every single person in the White House and on his 2020 campaign staff needs to be on high alert. Because everyone's job is on the line.

As CNN's Kaitlan Collins reported Monday about the President's state of mind:

"Despite claims he's not angry, multiple people said Trump's been seething since he got back from Tulsa. It's raised questions about his campaign manager's future, but others said his job isn't only one in jeopardy. Anyone, including WH aides, could be fired depending on coverage."

Which checks out. Because with an estimated 6,200 people at an arena that had a capacity of more than 19,000 -- and in the wake of Trump tweeting that there had been 1 million RSVPs -- it was clear from Trump's body language when he landed back at the White House from Oklahoma early Sunday morning that he was dejected, disappointed and angry.

I mean, check it out yourself. Does this look like a triumphant leader?

And we also know that Trump doesn't blame himself for much of anything.

After suggesting that injecting or ingesting disinfectants would fight the coronavirus, Trump was asked in April whether he took any responsibility for a spike in people doing just that. "No, I don't," he responded.

A month before, Trump was asked whether the lag in coronavirus testing was in any way, shape or form his fault. "No, I don't take responsibility at all," he said.

In that same press conference, Trump was also asked whether he took responsibility for disbanding the office of pandemics. The President called it "a nasty question" (it wasn't) before adding: "When you say 'me,' I didn't do it. We have a group of people [in the administration]. But I could perhaps ask Tony about that, because I don't know anything about it." ("Tony" is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.)

Time and time again during his presidency, Trump has made clear he wants all the credit when anything even tangentially tied to his administration goes right and none of the blame when things go wrong. (Call it the Michael Scott theory of management.) He will always find someone to blame when something goes wrong. But that person will never be him.


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Why Did Trump/Barr Really Oust Berman? Evidence and Inferences

Bill Barr was a tornado of desperation in his efforts to remove Geoffrey Berman from his position as US Attorney for the Southern District of New York so Trump could install the current head of the the Securities and Exchange Commission, Jay Clayton, as New York's top prosecutor. Let's look at the facts, draw some reasonable inferences and try to answer the question . . . WHY?


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Steve Schmidt On Trump Returning After The Tulsa Rally | Deadline | MSNBC

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt and White House reporter for the Associated Press Jonathan Lemire weigh in on the lower than expected turnout at the Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma this weekend that was supposed to be the relaunch of his reelection campaign. Aired on 06/22/2020.


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Expect Donald and Bill to go after his replacement and fire her too, they will just wait a spell. Lindsey is in deep shit, Donald will put the heat on him as much as he possibly can, he'll primary him for sure. Could this be a sign that he's doing so poorly in the poles that the rats are jumping ship?

Donald MUST win here, he will end up firing everybody in the SDNY and closing down the office, after he loses the election. He might just fire the entire DOJ or decapitate it, he will do ANYTHING to avoid prosecution. He knows the SDNY has enough on him to put him away for a thousand years, starting immediately, right after the inauguration of the new POTUS.
Why Trump Just Fired The One Prosecutor He Fears More Than Mueller | MSNBC

In an unusual clash stretching over the weekend, President Trump fired the top federal prosecutor in New York, U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman, who has criminal jurisdiction over Pres. Trump, his business, family and associates in New York. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on Trump’s longstanding fixation on the office, including an unusual meeting during the Presidential transition; the key office’s key cases, including some that put heat on the Trump administration; and clues to other motivations for the termination. In a Beat segment in January 2019, Melber reported U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman could be the one federal prosecutor Trump feared “more than Bob Mueller,” the Russia special counsel, and the controversial firing suggests how much the administration was concerned about Berman’s work.